Bryn Du - Evan Roberts (1905)

Some of tonight’s scenes equal those witnessed in Glamorganshire. Many of the new converts simply will not be silenced; they shout themselves hoarse with “Diolch” and when the voice is gone they pray…

A little later after a powerful prayer from Miss Mary Roberts, the revivalist excitedly jumps to his feet and demands a test. “Before we proceed any further let us test the congregation. I do not know what it is, but there is something sadly out of place over there. There is some soul there under a cloud but praise God the Holy Spirit is here ready to remove it. Do you realise that Jesus has died for this concourse and that Jesus is anxious to save every individual in this great throng.”

A test usually follows the appeal or address, Evan Roberts, however, can never be relied upon to follow any recognised method of procedure. Tonight the test comes first and possibly we will have no address. He appears unusually eager to reap in the converts. “All who are church members, hands up. There are some here anxious to surrender at once.” A forest of hands is uplifted, and the revivalist gleefully cries, “A glorious sight this.” Many converts are discovered, and the congregation proceeds to acclaim the discovery in a hymn of thanksgiving, when the missioner, rapidly glancing from right to left, stops them with a cry, “Don’t sing yet, let us have another test at once.” Again all hands are up and a voice comes from the outer fringe of the crowd, “Here is one who is refusing.” “Nay, nay,” retorts the missioner with apparent impatience. “there is one ready to yield somewhere. Will you church members do your duty and offer Jesus? In the crowd there is a Welshman to whom no one has offered the Saviour.” Presently a conversion is announced.

Still, the congregation is not allowed to sing. “Another test! Another test!” is the missioner’s constant cry. He seems insatiable. A few more converts are found, and then the huge concourse roused to a great fervour by its extraordinary experiences, finds relief in a great outburst of praise, with Evan Roberts, all smiles, acting as conductor.

From, 'The South Wales Daily News', 17th June 1905.

Additional Information

This is a sloping field, but I do not know if it is the one. Almost 4,000 gathered here.

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