Hephsiba Calvinistic Methodist Chapel - Rhosbeirio (1905)

The Revival has arrived here and the beautiful new house of worship - Hephsiba – is quite full both on weeknights and on the Sabbath. Old listeners are being won over, and the whole area is now like a family, members of God's church.

Doleuad - 17th March 1905.

Additional Information

Mae'r Diwygiad wedi cyraedd yma, a'r addoldy newydd hardd-—Hephsiba—yn rhwydd lawn nosweithiau yr wythnos a'r Sabbath. Mae hen wrandawyr yn cael eu henill, a'r ardal erbyn hyn yn gryno fel teulu yn aelodau o eglwys Dduw. 

Doleuad - 17th March 1905.

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