New Quay Chapel (1905)

Seth Joshua, January 21st 1905 (Saturday): Journey to New Quay (Card.). On the way from Llandyssil, the van upset on a steep hill covered with ice. We were nine persons in a covered van and were all upset. It was a most providential escape. Arrived some two hours late.

22nd (Sunday): Wonderful day today. Yes! One of the days of the Lord upon earth. Scores sought full assurance. The people prayed and praised as I have never seen done before. The Revival has broken out with a mighty sound.

23rd (Monday): To-night there was a wonderful scene in the Tabernacle Chapel at New Quay. Indescribable is the only word I can use: Even in the afternoon meeting at 2.30 a crowd came seeking the blessing, but at night it was a general breakdown. About fifty or sixty came to the front and all prayed aloud. The congregation also broke out in audible prayer. It was a wonderful scene. People praised aloud in all parts of the chapel. I shall never forget the sight. Praise the Lord, O my soul.

24th (Tuesday): To-night was a strange meeting. The noise went abroad about last night’s service; A crowd came together, overflowing the chapel. I had great liberty to preach from the last clause in Lev. 17, IX. About thirty came to the front, when the people showed signs of vulgar curiosity. The Holy Spirit was grieved and left us in great darkness. I was utterly broken down and wept. After about an hour the people who grieved the Spirit gradually went away, and about II p.m. a mighty rush of power came back. A crowd of sinners came weeping to the cross. Everything broke up into praise, prayer, and great thankfulness. Bless God for this experience. It taught me many secret things of the Spirit.

25th (Wednesday): Today at 2.30 and at 7 p.m. we have had indescribable meetings. It would be impossible to record in writing the scenes witnessed. Hundreds are blessed. The power at times overwhelmed even strong men. It will never fade from my memory. Over and over again the front became crowded with weeping, praying people, especially old people. Praise the Lord, O my soul.

26th (Thursday): To-day’s two meetings were even more wonderful than those of yesterday. The power swept the chapel. God gave me power to preach on the house built upon the sand, and it fell etc. Crowd after crowd of seekers came to the front, while the great congregation burst out into shouts of praise. It was like a boiling sea. Hallelujah! my soul is melted like wax. From, Seth and Frank Joshua: The Story of their Wonderful Life Work- T. Mardy Rees (1926).

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