Disgwylfa Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Chapel - Coedpoeth (1905)

I do not remember one line of the history of the Revival in Adwy'rclawdd and Coedpoeth having appeared in your columns, and for that reason some people assume that it has hardly touched us. The old church at Adwy is looked on, and spoken of, as a cold church, making no effort and having no zeal, one that hardly been reached by any influence of the Revival; that there is more zeal and enthusiasm in the other churches of the neighbourhood, and they have therefore been having a much more extensive experience of the Revival than this church. But this is a complete mistake. I am pleased to say that the influence is strong and deep in our midst. We have for nearly three months now been united with the other churches in the neighbourhood, and the other denominations, in holding prayer meetings. And while we have not had one meeting that has conquered everyone, sweeping everything before it, as in some places, we have had some blessed meetings. Between 30 and 35 have joined Adwy church. We cannot at present provide details regarding the other churches, but there are some scores who have joined throughout the neighbourhood, taking into account Adwy and Coedpoeth. We would not wish to belittle zeal, and enthusiasm, and excitement with the Revival, but one should certainly not lose sight of depth of feeling, and a quiet attempt to gain souls for Christ , and there is a great measure of this in Adwy church at present, although there is not as much noise and thunder as  in many places. To our knowledge, hardly any strangers have come here to see the revival, nor excursions to experience it, but despite that it is here, and we hope that its influence will remain long and go deep. It is already emptying the taverns, so that it is hardly worth carrying on that business now, and there are whispers that the two or three are talking of giving up the business. We hope that this is true, and will very soon be seen to be a fact. A memorable scene at the Adwy church was 22 people coming forward on the same evening to be accepted as full members, and two others the following Sabbath evening, as circumstances had prevented them the previous evening, and the sight of them taking communion together for the first time that Sabbath evening (Jan. 29 ). In one of the final weeks of the old year we had previously received 10 of the seed of the church [=?the children of members], and three or four converts, and there are still 15 to 20 applicants for membership. 'This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.'

Goleuad - 10th February 1905.

Additional Information

Nid wyf yn cofio fod un linell o hanes yr Adfywiad yn Adwy'rclawdd a Choedpoeth wedi ymddangos yn eich colofnau; a thybia rhai oherwydd hyny ar ydym ni wedi cael nemawr o hono. Edrychir ar, a siaredir am hen eglwys yr Adwy yn arbenig gan rai fel eglwys oer, ddiymdrech, ddisel, ac nad oes braid ddim o ddylanwad yr Adfywiad wedi ei chyrhaedd; fod mwy o sel a brwdfrydedd yn eglwysi eraill y gymydogaeth, ac o'r herwydd eu bod wedi bon profi yn helaethach o lawer o'r Adfywiad na'r eglwys hon, Ond y mae hyn yn gamgymeriad hollol. Da genyf ddweud fod y dylanwad yn gryf ac yn ddwfn yn ein mysg. Yr ydym mewn undeb ag eglwysi eraill y gymydogaeth, ac a'r enwadau eraill, yn cadw cyfarfodydd gweddi bellach er's yn agos i dri mis. Ac er na chawsom un cyfarfod oedd yn gorchfygu pawb, ac yn ysgubo pob peth o'i flaen, fel mewn rhai manau, yr ydym wedi cael rhai cyfarfodydd bendigedig. Y mae o 30 i 35, wedi ymuno ag eglwys yr Adwy. Nis gallwn ar hyn o bryd roi y manylion am yr eglwysi eraill, ond y mae amryw ugeiniau wedi ymuno drwy y gymydogaeth, gan gymeryd i mewn yr Adwy a Choedpoeth. Ni ddymunem ddibrisio sel, a brwdaniaeth, a chynwrf gyda'r Adfywiad, ond yn sicr ni ddylid colli golwg ar ddwysder teimlad, ac ymdrech distaw i gael eneidiau at Grist, ac y mae mesur helaeth o hyn yn eglwys yr Adwy ar hyn o bryd, er nad oes yma gymaint o swn a thwrf ag mewn llawer man. Hyd y gwyddom, nid oes yma nemawr o ddieithriaid yn dod i weled y diwygiad, nac excursions yn dod er ei brofi; ond y mae yma er hyny, a gobeithiwn yr erys ei ddylanwad yn hir ac yn ddwfn. Y mae eisoes yn gwaghau y tafarnau, fel nad yw prin yn werth cario y business' hwnw ymlaen yn awr ac y mae sibrwd fod dau neu dri yn son am roi y business i fyny. Gobeithiwn fod hyn yn wir, ac y gwelir hyn yn ffaith yn fuan iawn. Golygfa i'w chofio yn eglwys yr Adwy oedd gweled 22 yn dod ymlaen yr un noson i gael eu derbyn yn gyflawn aelodau, a dau eraill y nos Sabbath dilynol, ag yr oedd amgylchiadau wedi eu rhwystro y noson cynt, a'u gweled yn cyd-gymuno y nos Sabbath hwnw (Ion. 29) am y tro cyntaf. Yn un o wythnosau olaf yr hen flwyddyn yr oeddym o'r blaen yn derbyn 10 o had yr eglwys, a thri neu bedwar o ddychweledigion; ac y mae eto o 15 i 20 o ymgeiswyr am aelodaeth. 'O'r Arglwydd y daeth hyn, a rhyfedd yw yn ein golwg ni.'

Goleuad - 10th February 1905.

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