Hakin Point English Wesleyan Church - Milford Haven (1905)

Interest continues unabated in the services now being held nightly in the various chapels in the town. Night after night the congregations have increased and the fervency is fully maintained. Conversions have taken place at every service with few exceptions. Prayer, praise and testimony are still the weapons utilised in the battle with sin in the town, and that they have been an undoubted power is a fact to which scores can testify. The largest number came out at the Tabernacle on Tuesday, but it was again reserved for Rehoboth on Thursday to entertain the crowning meeting of the whole series. The power in the service was most marked, there was no excitement, but a holy calm seemed to pervade the sacred precincts. Christian men and women prayed earnestly for the outpouring and they did not plead in vain, for several sought the Saviour at the close. The service was timed for 7.30pm, but the building was filled shortly after 7.00pm, and an overflow meeting had to be held in the schoolroom, which was attended by the same power and spirit as the larger assembly. Whilst the meetings are an undisputed success, some of the leaders have perceived the danger, which being somewhat intricate it may require much tact to put right. Mr Evan Roberts recently mentioned the same thing in his meetings. The danger is this, that in the starting and selecting of hymns there should be n0 ‘mechanism’ to break the silence which may be manifest. The silence does no harm; on the contrary, the spirit is often very powerful just then. We are bound to say that we have observed a striking up of hymns after a prayer, which has often been inopportune and which to many minds foils the spirit in its work. We do not wish this to be misconstrued as criticism, but merely to point out the danger of routine being mistaken for that spontaneity which is in reality the prompting of the spirit of God. Let there be no singing for the sake of keeping the meeting going, the Holy Spirit will do that.

On Saturday there was another large open-air service on the Market Square, the Rev. John Harris, the Salvationists and several of the young men taking part. On Sunday night after service time a revival meeting was held in the Temperance Hall arranged by a number of young men when a large number attended.—The same evening at Hakin Point Wesleyan Chapel, where Mr D. G. Jones presided, no fewer than thirteen young people yielded themselves to Christ—nearly the whole choir, so the movement grows. At North Road on Monday night four more came out. Taking into consideration the outcome of a fortnight's meetings held previously at the Baptist Chapel the number of converts accruing as a result of the services up to Monday night was 70. Adding to this those who have been brought in by Capt. Stanley's Church Army Services at Pill and St. Peter's, and a similar effort carried on at Thornton Baptist Chapel, where for many weeks a noble work has been wrought, the total number of converts in the district may safely be placed at 100. This is not all; the influence is manifest in the town and many are seen in the sanctuary who have hitherto discarded religion, and others sceptically inclined are being brought to think on its verities. "The Lord hath done great things whereof His people are glad."

From, ‘The Cardigan County Times’, 25th January 1905.

The good work was continued in Milford during last, week, the meetings again being held in the various chapels in the same order, and it is pleasing to know that there were more conversions. A conference of pastors and Christian workers was held in connection with the work in the church parlour of the "Wesleyan Church on Thursday afternoon, when after important matters had been discussed, it was thought best, to discontinue the services for a week, and this announcement was made by the Rev. F. Parsons at the evening meeting at Rehoboth Chapel. However, most of the churches are holding prayer meetings in their own places this week, and it is expected good results will attend them. The future character of the services has been left for the churches themselves to decide. The open-air meeting was continued in the Market-square on Saturday night, and also the revival meeting at the temperance-hall on Sunday evening after service time by a number of young people The services are still being held at the little village bethel at Thornton, where a great work is being wrought, under the guidance of the Holy, Spirit.

From, ‘The Cardigan County Times’, 1st February 1905

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