Bethesda Chapel - Tenby (1905)

Early 100 persons of all ages have been added to the four churches (C.M.) in Castlemartin. “Showers of blessing” have fallen also on the Westgate Church, Pembroke and Bethany Baptists, Pembroke Dock. And it is most evident that the churches in both towns are more or less quickened. A very remarkable scene is witnessed daily at the dock-yard gate, where hundreds of men gather to listen to stirring and able addresses by Mr Herbert John, one of their own number, who is a zealous revivalist. It is stated also that Bethesda, near Tenby, is ‘ablaze’ and that Gwastad, Lyls-y-fran, is greatly stirred by the movement.

From, 'The South Wales Daily News', 16th January 1905.

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