Salem Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Chapel - Pentrefelin (1905)

It can be said of the Churches in this Circuit, namely Pentrefelin, Cymdu [=Cwmdu] and Brithdir, that they have felt and experienced great things since December last. The 'living Spirit of the awakenings' has made such obvious changes that they cannot be denied. There was much praying for revival here, but as we read about it in the South, we thirsted even more to have it and to feel it. The prayers were more earnest, and the main topic of the society meeting was the Revival. But now we can say that the Lord has heard us and has blessed us.  Pentrefelin – A great deal had been done to urge the young people to participate in public, but now almost all of them have awakened to their duty. Twelve to 15 prayed publically in one evening, and they continue to do so, and they bear witness that find a great pleasure in spiritual things. The heat is still rising here as the temperature is very high in some meetings. We have held meetings almost every evening since December. The sisters also hold a prayer meeting every Thursday afternoon, and there is obvious conviction in the services, there is a particular intensity and feeling in them. At 5 o'clock every Sabbath afternoon the children have their prayer meeting, they are careful to arrive promptly, and they go down on their little knees and pray with special warmth, "From the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise." We pray a great deal for the children, the influence of certain children has been instrumental in bringing many a quite unmindful father in the Revival here to the feet of Jesus. One of these little ones here prayed once, 'Lord, save my Father.' The Father had not been seen in the chapel for years, but now is among the converts of this church, making the number 14.

Cwmdu - United meetings are held regularly in the Calvinistic Methodist and Wesleyan chapels every night except for a few nights. The work being done here by the Spirit is something no mortal can describe. In the CM chapel, there are 15 converts, so that only one or two have not been converted. All of the members, the aged, the middle-aged and the young are under the influence of the Revival, and the new converts have broken out in prayer in public, full of zeal and love for its cause, and many of the members who were as if asleep before, have been awakened. One said, in prayer, “Lord we have slept long enough, let us now do something for thee." They pray for forgiveness, and for strength to live better lives, and for God to save their relations, and their former peers, with whom they used to sin. Is not this proof that the Revival is from God, the great principle of Christianity is – living for others. One brother, with tears running down his cheeks, said – “I have spent a lot of time and money seeking pleasure, and failed, but thanks be, I have found it in Christ, free of charge.” Another said, “I couldn't understand how these people had the experience, but now I have had an explanation, that staying close to God is the way to get it;” And others were on their knees praying out their experience. It is excellent at the Society meetings now. "The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad." The total number of converts in this Circuit is  38. The current Revival has been an inestimable blessing for the churches, so that they can look forward with confidence to the future.

Goleuad - 28th April 1905

Additional Information

GelIir dweyd am yr Eglwysi sydd yn y Daith hon, sef, Pentrefelin, Cymdu, a'r Brithdir, eu bod wedi teimlo a phrofi pethau mawr er mis Rhagfyr diweddaf. Mae 'Ysbryd byw deffroadau' wedi gwneud cyfnewidiadau mor amlwg fel nas gellir ei wadu. Yr oedd yma lawer o weddio am adfywiad, ond wrth ddarllen am dano yn y Deheudir, daeth mwy o syched fyth arnom am ei gael, a'i deimlo. Yr oedd y gweddiau yn fwy taer, a phrif bwnc y seiat oedd y Diwygiad. Ond erbyn hyn, gallwn ddweyd yr Arglwydd a'n gwrandawodd ac a'n bendithiodd.  Pentrefelin —Llawer o gymhell fu ar y bobl ieuainc i gymeryd rhan yn y moddion cyhoeddus ond erbyn hyn mae bron yr oll o honynt wedi deffro i'w dyledswydd. Daeth o 12 i 15 yn weddiwyr megis mewn un noswaith, ac maent yn dal ati; a thystiolaethant eu bod yn cael blas mawr ar bethau crefydd. Dal i godi mae y gwres yma fel mae y tymheredd yn uchel iawn mewn ambell i gyfarfod. Cynhelir cyfarfodydd bron bob nos er Mis Rhagfyr. Mae gan y chwiorydd hefyd gyfarfod gweddi bob prydnawn dydd Iau, ac mae arddeliad amlwg ar y moddion mae dwysder a theimlad neillduol ynddynt. Am 5 o'r gloch bob prydnawn Sabbeth, mae gan y plant eu cyfarfod gweddi, gofalant ddyfod iddo yn brydlon, a gweddiant gan blygu eu gliniau bychain gyda gwres neillduol, "O enau plant bychain a rhai yn sugno y perffeithiaist foliant." Gweddiwn lawer dros y plant, mae dylanwad aml i blentyn wedi bod yn foddion i ddwyn llawer i dad digon anystyriol yn y Diwygiad yma at draed yr lesu. Un o'r rhai bychain yma yn gweddio un tro, "Arglwydd achub fy Nhad." Ni welwyd y Tad yn y capel er's blynyddoedd, ond erbyn hyn mae ymhlith y dychweledigion yr eglwys hon sydd yn gwneud y neifer yn 14eg. 

Cymdu.—Cynhelir yno gyfarfodydd undebol yn nghapel (M.C.) a'r (W) yn gyson bob nos ag eithrio ychydig o nosweithiau. Mae y gwaith a wneir yma gan yr Ysbryd yn beth nas medr neb dynol ei ddesgrifio. Yn nghapel (M.C.) mae 15eg o ddychweledigion fel nad oes ond un neu ddau heb ddychwelyd. Mae'r oll o'r aelodau, yn henafgwyr, canol oed, yr ieuainc o dan ddylanwad y Diwygiad, a'r dychweledigion newydd wedi tori allan yn weddiwyr cyhoeddus, ac yn llawn o zel, a chariad at ei achos, a llawer o'r aelodau oedd megis yn cysgu o'r blaen, wedi eu deffro. Meddai un wrth weddio "Arglwydd yr ydym wedi cysgu ddigon hir, gad i ni gael gwneud rywbeth drosot bellach." Gweddiant am faddeuant, ac am nerth i fyw yn well, ac i Dduw achub eu perthynasau, a'u hen gyfoedion, rhai fuont yn cyd-bechu a hwy. Onid yw hyn yn brawf fod y Diwygiad o Dduw, egwyddor fawr Cristionogaeth yw—byw i arall. Meddai un brawd, a'r dagrau yn rhedeg lawr ei ruddiau—"Yr wyf wedi gwario llawer o arian ac amser i geisio pleser, a methu; ond diolch, yr wyf wedi ei gael yn Nghrist, yn rhad, ac am ddim." Un arall a ddywed, "Yr oeddwn yn methu deall sut oedd gan y bobl yma brofiad, ond erbyn hyn wyf wedi cael esboniad, mai cadw yn agos at Dduw yw y modd i'w gael;" A eraill ar eu gliniau i weddio i ddweyd eu profiad. Mae'n ardderchog yn y seiadau yn awr. Yr Arglwydd a wnaeth i ni bethau mawrion, ac am hyny yr ydym yn llawen." Mae nifer y dychweledigion yn y Daith hon yn 38. Bendith anmhrisiadwy i'r eglwysi hyn yw y Diwygiad presenol, fel y gallant edrych ymlaen yn hyderus at y dyfodol.

Goleuad - 28th April 1905.

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