Bryncoch (1904)

Rev. J. Sharp, Tondu, Glamorgan, writes: This very gracious and spiritual wave of revival has reached the Bridgend Circuit. Last week, M. Dan Roberts and his helpers visited the Calvinistic Methodist Church, Aber Renfig, where united and overflow meetings were held. On Sunday all the churches were moved. At Tondy scenes were witnessed in the Sunday-school as had not been seen before. The whole time was given up to praise and prayer. The class-rooms were full of inquirers of all ages. The work was continued in the church in the evening when several more volunteered for Christ. Monday brought the joyful news from Ogmore Vale, Maesteg, Bryncoch, Cefn and Fountain, of similar results. Many who have long been prayed for have yielded; back-sliders have come back, and many wonderful cases of conversion have taken place. The football field, the dance, and the dramatic entertainment have been given up, and other matters laid aside for the revival meetings.

From, 'The Great Revival in Wales', by S B Shaw, page 22.

Additional Information

I do not know where the meetings were.

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