Jerusalem Independent Chapel - Resolven (1905)

Resolven had the privilege of welcoming Mr Evan Roberts to-day in his Neath Valley itinerary, and the straggling little colliery village made the occasion worthy of the visit of the revivalist. Morning, noon and night the chapels were crowded, and the meetings were of a character that belied any impression which might be abroad outside the “zone of fire” that the religious enthusiasm awakened by the fire has even begun to show any symptoms of abatement. In a parish where the entire population does not exceed 3,000 souls it was found in the evening that the Congregational Chapel, capable of accommodating 2,000 people, was much too small, while in the afternoon the Methodist Chapel was so crowded an hour or more before the service was timed to begin that an overflow meeting became a necessity. Scores, if not hundreds, of people travelled down to Resolven from the neighbouring village of Glyn Neath, and many of them were disappointed to find that they had arrived too late to get beyond the doors of the chapels. For two hours or more before the arrival of Mr Roberts there had been an unbroken series of prayers and testimonies and the singing of hymns, the service being remarkable for the prominent part taken by converts who were known only very recently as men of loose conduct. Religious fervour was at white heat when the revivalist made his appearance, and as he ascended the pulpit it was obvious that the spirit of curiosity had suddenly become a predominating factor. No one was quicker to realise this than Evan Roberts, and my experience of the revival meetings is that Mr Roberts finds the conflict with his curiosity growing harder and harder. “Away with curiosity,” were his first words, and his impromptu discourse had not been many minutes in progress before he had the satisfaction of feeling that the spirit of devotion had returned and had taken a firm hold of the congregation.

From, 'The Western Mail', 17th January 1905.

Additional Information

I think this is the Congregational Chapel mentioned, but it only seats 1,000. There is another down the road at Melincourt.

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