Bethania Calvinistic Methodist Church - Bontddu (1905)

Is the Revival progressing here? That is a question frequently asked along the coast of Meirionnydd from Penrhyndeudraeth to Aberdyfi, including the Mawddach valley up to Dolgellau. Answers vary. Start with Dolgellau, and the first thing you hear is that people are complaining because such powerful things are not being felt there as are being seen elsewhere. Yet the policemen and the doctors say that the aspect of the town has changed. Drinking and drunkenness are much reduced, and the lives of many families are immeasurably happier than they have seen before. So far as I have heard, the number won over to religion remains about one or two. Prayer meetings are held daily. In Dolgellau there is one remarkable fact, - it is said that one church - not a Methodist church - has not been touched by the Revival at all, and it is further said that neither the minister nor the officers there feel the desire for it. I mention this, not to blame or to criticise, but as a fact upon which it will be interesting to look back in the future. As regards the other churches, there is an intense and general desire to feel more of the influences, and in the Established Church too, prayer meetings and a revival service are held every evening. In Arthog and Llanelltyd and Bontddu on the other side of the valley, the Revival has broken out more powerfully. In fact, I do not think it is anywhere felt more powerfully than in Llanelltyd and Bontddu. Mrs Jones, Dyffryn, was in Arthog and Bontddu this week and that gave a stimulus this week to the good work. In Barmouth, the waves are growing more powerful. In Llwyngwril Mrs Jones, Dyffryn had a notable meeting. Indeed, this was as might have been expected, since the fire here has been burning red-hot for several weeks,  and everything was favourable for the visit.

Goleuad - 17th February 1905.

It is impossible, quite impossible, to give a full description of what took place at Bontddu - near Dolgellau – a week ago last Sabbath. Indeed, we shall not attempt to give such a description – merely to bear witness to our personal experience as one who happened to spend the Sabbath among them. Exactly which Sabbath this was will be remembered when we say that it was the Sabbath after the second visit of Mrs Jones, Egryn, namely Sunday, Feb. 12. Clearly, the visit of this devoted missionary the previous evening had left a deep impression on the congregation. Her exhortations and prayers had given them a second spur once more to seek a sight of the Lord's countenance. Before that they had almost lost heart, fearing the area would be left without any special revelation. Certainly prayer meetings have been held without a break for months, and the fruit of these meetings has begun to become evident in various directions for the last three weeks – the young people, a great number of them, have awoken to work, and the middle-aged [?]coming forward – one of them in particular, whom I had better not name - yet, although the negotiation in this way continues with the great Head of the church, their horror at the thought of his passing them by increased. And the Person 'made as though he would have gone further' time after time. However, in the prayer meeting on the above-mentioned Sunday morning – after school – they became more earnest in urging him (like the two disciples) to come in, and behold "He went in to tarry with them", and they had a wondrous time! When people arrived for the two o'clock service they had only just dispersed, and we understood that they had had the best delicacies of the feast – "a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees" [Isaiah 25:6]. The two o'clock meeting was thrown completely open – one of the brothers of the church began it, although the preacher for the Sunday had arrived; and the feeling rose gradually and naturally, breaking out now and then – the fire they had lit in the morning continuing to burn. The preacher who had come there for the service had something to say regarding going forward under the leadership of the Spirit, and that he was seeking to scramble up the mountain with them to receive the same shower. With this, a tall man, the middle-aged man already referred to, came forward from the uppermost seats of the chapel to the elders’ seat, and gave his message. He had a conviction that the church must be awoken, and that this was to be done through the young people – that it was his resolution to use every means, and every opportunity, in time and out of time, to achieve this aim. This is the missionary spirit in the true meaning of the word. Then he broke out to urge the young people by name to take part – two came forward to read parts of God's Word, and the reading was effective. Then our brother began to pray, and another after him. However, although the feeling rose high, there was no obvious outpouring until the congregation re-assembled for the evening meeting. And what a wonderful meeting! If the waters were up to our ankles and our knees at the afternoon meeting, they were waters deep enough to swim in throughout the evening meeting, breaking out in a powerful flow on every side. And there was no doubt that they were holy waters issuing out from 'beneath the threshold of the house'. It began about five o'clock, and by 6 o'clock they were in great spirits – the young people drew the heavens down: they came forward now continuously, some of them (as we have learnt) for the first time ever. As regards the supplications that were made, they were steeped in tears of repentance, and anointed with the oil of rejoicing and no sooner had the prayers ascended than the blessings descended in general thanks throughout the congregation. It was a very lovely place! The influence did not diminish at all. The prophecy was literally fulfilled: "And the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, … a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence." [Isaiah 4:5] We think that every section of the Church has been touched, for the men and the women came forward, the old men and the young lads; young women and children; and the sound of which Jesus spoke to Nicodemus could be heard, although it could not be accounted for. Their answer had arrived; Zion's captivity was turned again there, and the prisoners were loosed – a sound of iron bolts breaking in pieces and fetters of brass melting. No wonder that there was joy and jubilation there the like of which had never been heard in the present generation. We heard after the Sabbath had passed that between 20 and 25 had taken part in this wondrous meeting and that 14 had been received into the fellowship of the church the following Friday evening. This is a sign of righteousness at last for the beautiful little area of Y Bontddu. It was in truth a day of glad tidings for them - Y Bontddu's Jubilee festival, as one brother said; and doubtless it will be remembered for many a year. We trust they will have a good harvest after this – to follow the prolific shower: a large number of strong characters, devoted fathers and mothers, children knowing the Lord, and that Zion will be built on the most holy faith. For this is the result of the Spirit's visit everywhere – taking humanity's best, and adapting it to be a temple in which the Devine may dwell. "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance." [Gal. 5: 22-3]. H.E.

Goleuad 24th February 1905.

At Arthog on one hand and Llanelltyd and Bontddu on the other, the revival is more powerful. These places were visited last week by Mrs Jones, Dyffryn, who has given fresh impetus to the movement.

From, 'The Wrexham Advertiser', 25th February 1905.

Additional Information

A yw y Diwygiad yn myned rhagddo acw? Dyna gwestiwn a ofynir yn fynych ar hyd lanau Meirion o Pendrhyndeudraeth i Aberdyfi, gan gymeryd i mewn ddyffryn y Fawddach i fyny i Ddolgellau. Mae'r atebion yn amrywio. Dechreuwch gyda Dolgellau, a'r peth cyntaf a glywir yw fod pobl yn cwyno am nar theimlir yno bethau mor nerthol ag a welir mewn lleoedd eraill. Eto fe ddywed yr heddgeidwaid a'r meddygon fod gwedd y dref wedi newid. Mae yfed a'r meddwi yn llai o lawer, a bywyd llawer o'r teuluoedd yn anhraethol ddedwyddach nag y gwelsant ef erioed. Hyd y clywais y mae y rhai enillwyd at grefydd yn dal oddigerth un neu ddau. Cynhelir cyfarfodydd gweddi yn ddyddiol. Yn Nolgellau y mae un ffaith hynod,—dywedir fod un eglwys,—nid gyda'r Methodistiaid,—nad yw y Diwygiad wedi ei chyffwrdd o gwbl, a dywedir yn mhellach na theimlir yno gan y gweinidog na'r swyddogaeth, awydd am dano. Crybwyllaf y peth, nid i feio nac i feirniadu, ond fel ffaith ag y bydd yn ddyddorol edrych yn ol ati eto. Am yr eglwysi eraill mae dymuniad dwys a chyffredinol am deimlo rhagor o'r dylanwadau, ac yn yr Eglwys Sefydledig hefyd, cynhelir cyfarfodydd gweddi a gwasanaeth diwygiadol bob nos. Yn Arthog a Llanelltyd a'r Bontddu ar y tu arall i'r dyffryn, mae'r Diwygiad wedi tori allan yn fwy grymus. Yn wir nid wyf yn credu y ceir dim yn fwy nerthol yn unman nag a deimlir yn Llanelltyd a'r Bontddu. Bu Mrs. Jones, Dyffryn, yn Arthog a Bontddu yr wythnos hon, a rhoddodd hyny symbyliad i'r gwaith da. Yn yr Abermaw, mae y tonau yn cryfhau. Yn Llwyngwril cafodd Mrs. Jones, Dyffryn, gyfarfod nodedig. Yn wir, felly y gallesid disgwyl, gan fod y tan yma yn llosgi yn eirias er's rhai wythnosau, a phob peth yn ffafriol i'r ymweliad.

Goleuad - 17th February 1905.

Y mae rhoddi desgrifiad cyflawn o'r hyn a gymerodd le yn y Bontddu—ger Dolgellau - wythnos i'r Sabbath diweddaf, yn gwbl anmhosibl. Yn wir, nid ein hymgais fydd rhoi desgfifiad felly o hono—yn unig rhoi tystiolaeth o'n profiad personol fel un oedd yn digwydd treulio y Sabbath yn eu plith. Fe gofir yn union pa Sabbath ydoedd, pan ddywedwn mai y Sabbath ar ol ail ymweliad Mrs. Jones, Egryn, a'r lle, sef Sabbath, Chwef. 12. Amlwg oedd fod ymweliad y genhades ymroddedig hon a hwy y noswaith cynt wedi gadael argraff ddofn ar y gynulleidfa. Rhoddodd ei hanogaethau a'i gweddiau ail symbyliad iddynt i ymdrechu o newydd am wedd gwyneb yr Arglwydd. Cyn hyny yr oeddynt ymron digaloni, yn ofni y caent fel ardal eu gadael heb unrhyw amlygiad arbenig. Mae'n wir eu bod ar hyd y misoedd wedi cadw eu cyfarfodydd gweddiau yn ddifwlch, a bod ffrwyth y cyfryw gyfarfodydd yn dechreu dod i'r golwg er's tair wythnos mewn amrywiol gyfeiriadau—y bobl ieuainc llaws o honynt wedi eu deffroi i waith, a'r canol oed yn nesau ymlaen - un o honynt yn arbenig nad gwiw ei enwi - eto, er fod y drafodaeth fel hyn rhyngddynt a Phen mawr yr eglwys yn parhau, yr oedd eu harswyd rhag iddo fyned heibio yn cynyddu. A chymeryd arno fyned yn mhellach' yr oedd y Person y naill dro ar ol y llall. Pa fodd bynag, yn y cyfarfod gweddi y bore Sul crybwylledig - ar ol yt ysgol—-aethant yn fwy taer i gymell arno i ddyfod i mewn (fêl y ddau ddisgybl), ac wele Efe a aeth i mewn i aros gyda hwy," A chawsant amser hyfryd! Pan gyrhaeddwyd at yr odfa ddau o'r gloch, nid oeddynt ond newydd ymwasgaru, a deallasom eu bod wedi cael y wledd yn ei danteithion goreu - "gwledd o basgedigion breision a gloew-win puredig." Taflwyd y cyfarfod ddau o'r gloch yn hollol rydd - dechreuwyd gan un o frodyr y lie, er fod y pregethwr at y Sul wedi dyfod; a chododd y teimlad yn raddol a naturiol, gan dori allan yn awr ac yn y many tan a gyneuasant yn y boreu yn dal i losgi. Cafwyd gair gan y pregethwr a ddaethai yno i'w gwasanaethu i'r perwyl am iddynt fyned ymlaen dan arweiniad yr Ysbryd, ac y ceisiai yntau gripio y mynydd gyda hwy i gael yr un gawod. Gyd hwy daeth dyn tal o seti uchaf y capel, sef y gwt canol oed y cyfeiriwyd ato eisoes, i'r set fawr, a dywedodd ei genadwri. Mai ei argyhoeddiad ef ydoedd fod yn rhaid deffro yt eglwys, ac mai trwy y bobl ieuainc yr oedd hyn i gael ei wneyd—mai ei benderfyniad ef oedd defnyddio pob moddion, a phob cyfleusdra mewn amser ac allan o amser, i gyraedd yr amcan hwn. Dyma ysbryd cenhadol yn ngwir ystyr y gair. Yna torodd allan i anog y bobl ieuainc wrth eu henwau i gymeryd rhan-daeth dau ymlaen i ddarllen rhanau o Air Duw, ac yr oedd y darlleniad yn effeithiol. Yna aeth ein brawd i weddi, ac un arall ar ei ol. Ond er i'r teimlad godi yn uchel, ni chafwyd y tywalltiad yn amlwg, nes i'r gynulleidfa ail ymgynull i gyfarfod y nos. A dyma gyfarfod rhyfedd! Os oedd y dyfroedd at y fferau a'r gliniau yn nghyfarfod y prydnawn, yr oeddynt yn ddyfroedd nofiad- wy ar hyd cyfarfod y nos-yn tori allan yn llifeiriant grymus ar bob Haw. Ac nid oedd amheuaeth nad y dyfroedd sanctaidd oeddynt yn tarddu allan o dan riniog y ty.' Dechreuwyd am bump o'r gloch, ac erbyn 6 o'r gloch yr oeddynt mewn llawn hwyliau— tynai y bobl ieuainc y nefoedd i lawr deuent ymlaen yn awr yn ddiatalfa, rhai o honynt (fel y cawsom ddeall) am y waith gyntaf eriped. Am y deisyfiadau a anfonid i fyny, yr oeddynt wedi eu trwytho gan ddagrau edifeirwch, a'u heneinio ag olew gorfoledd ac nid cynt yr esgynai y gweddiau i fyny na ddisgynai y bendithion i lawr mewn diolchiadau cyffredinol trwy y gynulleidfa. Yr oedd yno le hyfryd iawn! Ni leihaodd y dylanwad o gwbl. Cyflawnwyd y broffwydoliaeth yn llythyrenol: Yr Arglwydd a grea ar bob trigfa o fynydd Seion gwmwl a mwg y dydd, a llewyrch tan fflamllyd y nos, ar yr holl ogoniant y bydd ymddiffyn." Meddyliem fod pob adran yn yr Eglwys wedi ei chyffwrdd, oblegid deuai y gwyr a'r gwragedd ymlaen yr hynafgwyr a'r llanciau; merched ieuainc a phlant; ac fe allesid clywed y swn' y llefarai yr Iesu am dano wrth Nicodemus, er na ellid rhoddi cyfrif am dano. Yr oedd eu hateb wedi dyfod; dychwelwyd caethiwed Seion yn y lie, a gollyngwyd y carcharorion yn rhyddion-swn bolltau heiyrn yn dryllio a gefynnau pres yn toddi. Nid rhyfedd fod yno orfoledd a llawenydd na chlywsid o'r blaen ei gyffelyb o fewn y genhedlaeth bresenol. Cawsom air ar ol i'r Sabbath fyned heibio fod o 20 i 25 wedi cymeryd rhan yn y cyfarfod rhyfedd hwn -a fod 14 wedi eu derbyn i gymundeb yr eglwys y nos Wener dilynol. Dyma arwydd er daioni o'r diwedd i ardal fechan brydferth y Bontddu. Dydd o lawen chwedl iddynt mewn gwirionedd—gwyl Jiwbili y Bontddu, ys dywedai un brawd; a diau y bydd cof am dano am flynyddoedd meithion. Hyderwn y cant gynhauaf da ar ol hyn - yn canlyn y gawod gynyrchiol: toraeth o gymeriadau cryfion, tadau a mamau ymroddedig, plant yn adnabod yr Arglwydd, ac yr adeiledir Seion ar y sancteiddiaf ffydd. Oblegid dyma ganlyniad ymweliad yr Ysbryd ymhob man—dwyn pethau goreu y ddynoliaeth, a'i chyfaddasu i fod yn deml i'r Dwyfol breswylio ynddi. Ffrwyth yr Ysbryd yw cariad, llawenydd, tangnefedd, hirymaros, cymwynasgarwch, daioni, ffydd, addfwynder, dirwest." (Gal. v. 22, 23). H.E.

Golehuad - 24th February 1905.



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