Ebenezer Calvinistic Methodist Church - Dinas (1905)

The religious fervour is increasing gradually at Ebenezer CM Chapel. Prayer meetings are held every night, and open-air meetings occasionally. The meetings are full of deep religious feeling and quiet worship. Spontaneity is a great success, especially among the younger section, and the new converts in particular. Some of the new converts are simply wonderful in their influence and effect. The number of converts up to date is 23, and for a small church this speaks highly of the efforts made by this church. The new converts are very good workers. The Spirit is the only leader at our meetings, and it leads young and old of both sexes to take part. Old backsliders are also returning.

From, 'The Rhondda Leader', 21st January 1905.

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Destroyed. I am not sure exactly where along the bank the church stood.

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