Wark (1862)

In many places of our land, the Lord is working by His mighty and life-giving power. Your paper, week after week, proclaims the blessed news and many have got their hearts gladdened by the cheering account of the Lord's work. I therefore think it but right that I should give you some small account of the Lord's work too since I do love Him, his cause, and his servants. Two weeks ago I had the call to go and visit some of my friends at Coldstream. I was not long seated thereafter my arrival, when I was told, "There is to be a meeting here tonight in the Masonic hall," and all the conversation was concerning Christ. I was struck with this change; before, when there, I was laughed at if I once mentioned the subject of religion. The hour of the meeting came, and I went with a gladdened heart along with my now-interested friends but I was not long before my heart was more greatly gladdened. When we went to the hall we could not get a seat, and the gallery was filled too. This was sometime before the commencement of the meeting and I soon felt that God's presence was there. The stillness of death, as it were, pervaded the meeting, no hymns sung, not a whisper, all of which I liked so much.

At last the hour of eight o'clock rang, and in came the speaker. A minister of the Free Church opened the meeting by praise, in which the whole house joined very heartily. Then someone engaged in prayer; and after this the speaker (a young man, who, I learnt afterwards, was a Mr Murray, missionary for Dr Bonar, Kelso) sang a hymn and engaged in prayer. He then gave out his text, Rev. ii. 4, 3 "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee," He at once caught the attention of his audience and I have not listened for some time more faithful and wisely-directed address; I also trust a much blessed one too. His words were words of power, he seemed to be a master of his subject; it was evident he felt himself what he was so suitably saying to others, and appeared to be making a deep impression. I sat in front of the gallery, and I never witnessed a more solemn meeting, nor heard a more searching address. He spoke for an hour, the first meeting was then closed, and a second meeting announced, when 108 stayed. They conducted this second meeting very properly; all kept their seats and those who helped in conversation were conducted to the inquirers. The meeting was very much blessed to my own soul and to the souls of many there. 

After going home, I made inquiry concerning the meetings as to when and how they were begun. I learn they were commenced about the end of June. Mr Murray held a few meetings at Wark and was much blessed. Now Wark is only across the River Tweed, and the news soon reached Coldstream. Some laughed, some wondered, some were glad. But one night the Free Church minister went over to hear and see for himself and was so much struck with Mr Murray and his address that he gave him a very kind invitation to come to Coldstream. Then Mr Murray came and the meeting was not long held till the attendance increased and souls were all around awakened and brought to Christ. So the meetings were kept up; sometimes the hall was filled, and 300 in the street at the same time. 

"The Revival," 1872

Sir,—I have the pleasure of again informing you that the Lord's work is deepening and widening all around in this district: many are the anxious ones now, in many cases where there was utter neglect before. Mr Stoddart has held four meetings since my last, and has been owned much of God; also Mr Murray, who spoke with greater power seemingly than ever before. Some very interesting cases of conversion have taken place. Truly we can say here that the Lord has laid hold of the most careless, showing that nothing is too hard for Him.

"The Wynd Journal," August 23rd, 1862.

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