Methodist New Connexion Church, Birmingham - Palmers (1863)

Birmingham.- Dr and Mrs Palmer, in connexion with the ministers of the Methodist New Connexion chapel, Unett
Street, Birmingham, has been holding special services from one to two o'clock daily, which have been remarkably blessed of God; whilst at each evening meeting some striking answers to prayer have been vouchsafed, scores of inactive professors have been aroused, and are now engaged in holy exertions to bring sinners to Jesus,

In answer to prayer, the names of 133 have been recorded within the past six days who have sought peace through believing in Jesus, fully 100 of whom have entered into liberty. The manifestations of God's presence and power have been astonishing. The good work is still going on.
One man to whom Dr Palmer spoke about giving his heart to God, said, "I have no heart" Dr Palmer said, 'You do not intend to let the devil deceive you in that way, do you?" The man said, "I am too great a sinner to be saved." The doctor replied, "Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and you are not more than lost." He went up to the communion rail and speedily obtained pardon; he said his knees scarcely touched the ground before he could rejoice in God as his Saviour.-

Wesleyan Times.

Dr and Mrs Palmer have been labouring in Birmingham for the last three weeks-at Unett Street chapel two
weeks, and are now holding services twice a day at Bath Street chapel. God has abundantly blessed their labours;
in some instances whole families have been truly converted. The work is still going on, strangers coming from a distance and taking the revival spirit to their own towns and villages and the work gloriously goes on; prayer being made for friends and relatives at the noon meetings having been wonderfully and signally answered. All denominations share in the blessing conferred on the town by the visit of our beloved friends. May their disinterested and self-denying labours be abundantly rewarded by prosperity and blessing on their own souls.

The Revival, March 26th 1863.Page 153.

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