Kinross (1861)

For the last five weeks there has been evident manifestation of the Spirit of God in awakening many to flee for refuge to the hope set before them in the gospel, and we are happy to learn that not a few have found peace through believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is more than a year ago since friends in Glasgow put Kinross upon the Wynd list to be prayed for, and we believe this had also been done by friends in Edinburgh at the Carrubbers' Close Mission; and at that time some Christian men in Kinross, not knowing of these prayers, began a Sabbath-evening prayer meeting, to seek the outpouring of God's Spirit. is cheering to learn that several individuals had been roused thereby at different times to wait upon their pastor, enquiring the way of salvation.

Another meeting arose out of this Sabbath-evening one, by young men on the Sabbath morning, the numbers attending the evening meetings being about four hundred, and sometimes more. It must also be noted that the gospel is preached by the ministers in Kinross both faithfully and earnestly; indeed, when the writer was present, he felt as if there was nothing left for him to say but to endeavour to awaken the people to the necessity of instantly embracing "the free gift." In doing this on Sabbath night, five weeks since, a great many were lingering at the close of the meeting, and when asked if they wished to converse about their soul's salvation, some began to weep, and many remained, both old and young, many of whom are now rejoicing in Jesus.

The following Sabbath evenings, an invitation to all the unconverted who wished to be conversed with was given, and many more remained than before. Just before that first Sabbath there had been much special payer in the daily prayer meetings in Glasgow for a special blessing upon the Sabbath morning and evening meetings, and these prayers have been frequently repeated since. One thing that has forwarded the Lord's work here also, and worthy of particular notice, is that individuals, both in Glasgow and Edinburgh, had communicated to their friends at Kinross how great a work the Lord was doing in these places, and how their own souls had been blessed, and the visits of those persons to Kinross this summer faithfully testifying for Jesus and continuing in prayer.

All has been of Ine Lord, and to His name is the glory, for He has shown if we follow Him truly, He shall make us a blessing; and how blessed for any town. when it has some who are thus praying for its inhabitants, and precious are those daily prayer meetings.

"The Wynd Journal," September 21st, 1861.


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