Bridge of Earn (1860)

I told you the hopeful views of the state of my congregation, and you said all that you need is to get some converts to speak to your people. Well, they came without my asking (when I was away elsewhere), and last Monday I came home to hear that their simple words to a score of people in the open air, on Sabbath evening last, had begun revival, and now it has reached such a height that my church is nightly filled with anxious weeping souls. Young and old men and women, and children—are melted, broken, and subdued by the mighty power of the Spirit. Now I find the harvest is greater than I have labourers for, but I am well helped by brother ministers. I would not write this unless I had thought it would cheer you.—Yours sincerely.

1st June, 1860.

"The Wynd Journal," June 16th, 1860

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