Lever Street Methodist Church - Manchester - Phoebe Palmer (1863)

The special services have been removed to the more commodious Lever-street Chapel, in the central part of the city, where hundreds are in nightly attendance, and many are inquiring, “What must I do to be saved?” Since the commencement of our labours here, now over two weeks, about three hundred have received either jusi fying or sanctifying grace; and many persons of different denominations have been quickened in the divine life, and are labouring to bring souls to God.

We have labored five weeks in Manchester, dividing our time between the three churches (here, Grosvenor Street Tabernacle + 1); during which period one hundred received the witness that the blood of Jesus cleanseth from all sin, and over five hundred, we trust, were born into the kingdom of grace. Of this nu ber, the secretary of the Lever-street meeting reports, eighty-four were between thirty-one and forty years of age, and twenty between fifty and ninety. Of those who were sanctified wholly, several belonged to the Independent congregations. Seldom have I heard such flaming testimonies of the power of Christ to save to the utter- most as from some of those heaven-baptised brethren.

"Four Years in the Old World," pages 668 and 674, by Phoebe Palmer.

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Closed in 1900.

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