Portsoy Free Church - James Turner (1860)

Mr Turner's next field of labour was in Portsoy, a town on the coast situated between Banff and Cullen, to which be was invited by the Rev. Alex. Reid, minister of the Free Church there, since that time gone to his reward in glory: a man who prayed and laboured much for the salvation of souls during his ministry, and who was ever ready to welcome as fellow-labourers all whom, he believed, the Lord was with. He opened both his heart and his church to Mr. Turner, and most certainly he never regretted doing so, for the week that he spent in the work there was truly a time of blessing to many souls, as Mr. Reid before his death often testified. The manifestations of the Spirit's power were similar to those in other places, and although several who appeared to be deeply impressed at the time did not turn out well, yet there were many who were really brought to the truth, and remain steadfast to the present time.

Besides addressing meetings daily in public, and giving counsel and direction to enquirers in a more private manner, he visited a number of old and sick people in their own homes, and in this way much good was done. To a lady who conducted him to several of these houses, he said,—

" Why don't you speak more for Christ?"

 She was perhaps a little taken aback by the pointed nature of the question, and only- replied, "I am so shy." 

"I cannot understand an excuse of that nature," said Mr Turner. "As for me I feel such a necessity laid on me to speak for Christ, that if I did not do so I think I should burst!"

There were some who opposed the work in Portsoy, characterising it as mere excitement which was calculated to do more harm than good.

" Excitement?" said he, when this was told to him. "Blessed excitement! Would to God we saw more of it!"

 It is strange that men can understand and have a measure of sympathy with intense earnestness in almost every worldly pursuit, but when it takes the form of deep anxiety about eternal things, that they cannot understand. But surely it is better to be excited and alarmed about our soul's salvation, and to cry vehemently for it in time, than to be among those who, in eternity, shall "cry to the mountains and rocks to fall on them and hide them from the face of Him that sitteth upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb." What excitement will prevail among the wicked on that awful day!

Mr Turner remained for a week in Portsoy

"The Life and Labours of James Turner," by William Robbie.

"You will be wondering how I have been so long in writing to you, but till now I could not find time to do so. Since I wrote last, I have been in Portsoy, where the Spirit's power was manifested in a very remarkable manner, and I believe many souls have been saved. 

"The Life and Labours of James Turner," by William Robbie.

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