Selston (1862)

Late in the month of June, 1862, I came on a visit to some relations for the benefit of my health. I had not been here many days when I commenced visiting the village and hamlets of Annesley. My first visit was to a young woman in consumption.
The Lord brought her to see a finished salvation, and she rested upon Christ to the peace and joy of her soul. The same evening I was invited to preach. I did so though there were but few to hear. Again I was invited to preach and the congregation was much increased, and now I was receiving invitations from seven meeting houses in the villages of Kirkby, Selston, and Annesley. The brethren who had spoken against me, and held aloof because I preached a present salvation, seeing how the Lord was working in the conversion of many sinners, came and confessed their wrong and helped me mightily. After nearly three weeks blessed labour I returned to London. Three days after my return the Lord laid it upon my heart to visit Annesley again. I returned unknown to the people and found the young converts in a prayer meeting, entreating
God to send me back again to them. I commenced preaching every night, and twice on the Lord's day, and the meeting houses were crowded, many being obliged to go away unable to gain admittance. The blessing increased each night. Here was an old man and his wife, kneeling side by side, crying for mercy; there several mothers with their babes at their breasts and again a group of young men and women crying out for mercy. This was repeated every night. At all the meeting houses the Lord gave much blessing. The ale houses were forsaken, the drunkard, the cock fighter, the pigeon flyer, the pugilist; in fact every class from the age of twelve to seventy-six were anxious about their souls and scores were already rejoicing in Christ as their happy portion.

Now I must leave them again, I announced my farewell address. Upon this occasion we all met at the largest meeting house in Annesley when nearly 400 crowded the place. It was an affecting sight; the rough collier and the sceptical stocking-weaver, all made happy in Christ. We wept together, as they sobbed out "Farewell, the Lord bless you." were converted during this five-week visit. The next morning the dear converts. old and young, thronged the road to say a last good-bye.


"The Revival," February 12th, 1863.

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