Trimdon (1862)

For a long time, Trimdon has been noted for its wickedness. Nearly every Sabbath, men as­sembled together to gamble, and drunkenness followed. Men thus neglected their work, anal poverty, in many instances, stared them in the face. To give you an idea of the wickedness of this place, with a large population, it is not three years since the Primitives had not an average congregation of above thirty, while the Wesleyans had only two members,and no congrega­tion. For many weeks there was no service in their chapel at all! But, to God be all the glory, both societies have been praying for God to revive his work. God has surely avenged his own elect, and many have been the slain of the Lord. Within the last six or eight weeks, special services have been held in both places of worship, and crowds of all classes have eagerly pressed in to hear the word, and upwards of sixty have been brought to the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in their right mind. One man, a prize-fighter, went over to Hartley to see the men as they were drawn to bank. The first one he saw was a man he had been matched to fight with some short time before. He came home, and could not rest until he found the Balm of Gilead, and then he found a Physician to heal his soul. Another, as soon as the Lord spoke peace to his soul, parted with his dog, and dog-sheet and chains, and was determined they should not be the means of leading him again into sin. In a fellowship-meeting, one jumped up, and, with the tears rolling down his cheeks, he said, "Thank God, it was the best day's work I ever did in my life, to get religion." A backslider came up to the penitent form, and, amidst a flow of tears, cried out, "It is of the Lord's mercy that I am alive; and if it had not been for the prayers of the Lord's people, I should have been in hell." The Lord is still working; the people are pray­ing on, and the victory is ours. We are still looking for brighter days. We are gathering them now into classes, and holding services as often as we can, which we intend to continue. I trust the readers of the Revival will pray that God will pour out his Spirit in richer abundance.

At Trimdon Grange, another colliery village, about half-a-mile away, the Lord is reviving his work. About twenty-four last week professed to find peace through believing, and the Wesleyans are continuing the services this week also.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume VI, page 103.

Additional Information

Location unknown. There is no Methodist Church left in the village.

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