Corsham Side (1861)

Dear Brethren in Christ,—I have had it long on my mind that your paper should spread the glorious news wherever it finds its way, of the great things the Lord bath done among us, whereof we are glad, having put his hand to the work the second time, and added to the church numbers who, we trust, shall be everlastingly saved. We are, as you know, but a handful of inhabitants, and yet since the beginning of April last more than thirty have boldly confessed their faith in a crucified Redeemer. Shall I say that they are all born again God knoweth. By their fruits we are to judge, and we have had little to discourage us, while we have much to praise the Lord for. We may well speak of the stead­fastness of many youths, who a short time ago were showing by their works that they were at enmity with God; but now, reconciled through faith in the blood of Jesus, their greatest pleasure is to be meeting with the Lord's people, joining in prayer unasked, sweetly manifesting the spirit of adoption, and praising God for his mercies in saving them from the wrath to come, and on Lord's-day sitting round his table commemo­rating the dying love of Christ. Who hath done it? To whom shall we give the glory? Let the Lord's name be alone praised. We have no talented or influential man among us to preach the gospel, neither minister presiding over us; but we wait upon the Lord, and, blessed be his name, He hath made his strength to be perfected in weakness. I believe he is still giving hearing ears, and in answer to the prayers of his people will soon give more believing hearts. God grant that so it may be, that our little house might be filled with heaven-born souls. I once thought it must be turned to some other purpose; but God's thoughts were not my thoughts, for while He has taken one to be with Himself, He has added ten to us, so that instead of being diminished we are greatly increased. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord." May we, then, wait yet upon the Lord, and while some would send to the world's end to get popular men to come and preach to them, may we know rather what it is to acquaint ourselves more and more with God and be at peace, satisfied to have Him to be our Prophet, Priest, and King. We would be occupied not so much about men as about our heavenly Master, who is ever wont to bestow upon us greater blessings than we are prepared to receive. I do not attempt to give a correct detail of all the Lord's dealings amongst us. What I have written will give but a faint idea of what was felt by us at some of our meetings, when the Lord so poured down his Spirit as to cause numbers to fall upon their knees, and in bitterness of soul to cry for the pardon of their sins. Surely we share the joy of angels over many sinners brought to repentance.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume V, page 182.

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Corsham Side is now called Neston.

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