Newburgh (1860)

A religious awakening has commenced here. On Sabbath 11th, a few friends from Perth visited this place, and after addressing some hundreds of the people on the streets, they adjourned to one of the Churches. After addressing a very crowded congregation, a protracted meeting was held, at which above one hundred remained. On Saturday, the 17th, the writer, accompanied by another brother from Perth, visited Newburgh, and a meeting in the Mason's Hall. On Sabbath, at five o'clock, some hundreds were addressed in the open-air till six o'clock, and adjourned to the Masons' Hall, which soon became very crowded. I was told there were as many more who could not get in. After addresses by three friends from Perth, some three hundred remained at the after meeting. By the attention with which the people listened, and the sobbing of the broken in spirit, it was evident that the Lord was in the midst. The benediction was thrice pronounced before the people retired. When the writer returned to his lodging, he found some twenty-five anxious souls waiting there. On the Monday, he met with several very interesting cases In the course of his visits in the evening.  A union prayer meeting was held in one of the U.P. Churches. He was permitted to visit Abernethy, and rejoiced to hear that the word is progressing there very favourably indeed.

"The Wynd Journal," November 24th, 1860.

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