"Crich, Derbyshire.--Last year we invited brother W. Shakespeare, of Belper, to settle amongst us, and he came in October. With the new year, we began a morning service, instead of holding our first in the afternoon, which we have found to be much better. We also commenced the 'Weekly Offering,' and find it in every way better than the old system. At our request, our minister began a course of sabbath evening lectures. Shortly after, a remarkable religious movement began and spread rapidly all around us. Never before had we been blessed with such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Our members were united, earnest, and prayerful. Sinners of every class, even some of the most hardened, were brought under the mighty influence. Drunkenness and profanity became almost unknown. Prayer and praise were heard everywhere. Rocks that had often echoed oaths and curses now reverberated with the voice of supplication and the song of praise. Meetings for prayer and exhortation were held between the sabbath services, and every evening but Friday in the week. These were thronged and protracted: cut them short we dare not. At these meetings, ministers and members were all actively engaged pleading with the undecided, directing the anxious to Christ., or praying for them. Such anxiety for souls we had never felt or seen. God owned his word and answered our prayers. Never can we forget the solemn scones we witnessed. For four months this wonderful move continued. Hundreds were awakened, and not a few are now saved. Of these, it has been our privilege to gather an encouraging number. By baptism and restoration, we have added about forty; and thus, by the blessing of God, we have doubled our numbers.
From, "The Baptist Reporter," 1861
The chapel was built in 1837 and they moved to the current site in 1878.