ILKESTON, Derbyshire. -We are now united in prayer and effort, and God is blessing us. On Lord's-day, May 11, thirteen friends put on Christ by baptism.
Our new place of worship was crowded. We have yet many candidates, and we expect soon to baptize a greater number. Some of the roughest characters in our proverbially rough town are now serious and anxious inquirers after the way of life. All our services are well attended, especially the cottage prayer meetings, which are crowded. Our sabbath school, too, is partaking of the benefit. A large number of young men who had left the school have returned, and are now devoted and active. Truly God hath done and is doing, great things for us, whereof we are glad. Our Newthorpe branch has also been greatly blessed since July last they have baptized eighty candidates.
From, "The Baptist Reporter," June 1862, page 191.
They had 98 additions between July 1861 and June 1862
There seems to have been a revival in this area, within the 1859-54 revival. Ilkeston, Newthorpe and Loscoe all had a lot of salvations during this period.