Knowle Green (1859)

A very remarkable and gratifying example of the revival of religion has occurred at Knowl Green, Ribchester, Samlesbury and Longridge, villages between Preston and the celebrated Jesuit College at Stoneyhurst. In the month of September 1859, two Irish converts, young men, came into that neighbourhood, through the instrumentality of a zealot. Christian lady who resides there. They delivered addresses at Knowl Green, Ribchester, and the lady's house. These were listened to with much interest and attention, but no striking results were apparent at that time. About six weeks afterwards work of God began to be visibly manifested. In a bobbin mill, at Knowl Green, first one young man, and then others succes­sively, were so powerfully impressed with conviction of sin, as to be obliged to leave their work. The devoted Independent minister at Knowl Green, Mr Scott, visited those cases and did what he could to direct them to the Lamb of God. In a short time they were rejoicing in Christ Jesus. About the same time, some youths at Ribchester were deeply impressed, and some of them were found in a field, on their knees in prayer in the autumn evening. The good work thus began rapidly grew. Prayer-meetings were held almost nightly at Knowl Green and Ribchester, in the chapel, school-room, and private houses. Sometimes eight or ten lads would present themselves at the door of a house of a Christian man, and request leave to hold a prayer-meeting, and having obtained permission, would pour out their hearts with earnest simplicity, in confessions of sin and supplications for mercy. At some of the prayer-meetings held at Knowl Green, as many as eighteen persons have engaged in prayer at one service; and ministers who have been present have declared that they had never heard prayers that seemed so evidently to come from the heart, and to be the result of the quickening power of the Holy Ghost. The ordinary services of religion are attended by greatly increased numbers; and many who were notorious for ungodliness or vice, are now eminent for their devotedness to the service of Christ. The trade of the public houses has suffered great damage thereby, and some of the publicans have been most forward to acknowledge the hand of God in the work though to them it has been a source of pecuniary loss. It is hoped that ere long they will find a better occupation. Within the past two months, the work has extended to Samlesbury on the one hand and Longridge on the other. At both these places prayer-meetings are largely attended, and many persons have been awakened to seek Christ as their Saviour. P. A. D.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume II, page 68/9.

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