Derby - Theatre Royal (1862)

During the last month, united special religious ser­vices have been held in the Theatre at Derby, which had, previous to this, been attended by a corrupt and debased audience, and especially the young. These religious services at first ex­cited the surprise and ridicule of those who were in the habit of attending this place, but a visible change has come over such, and the services are now as orderly and well conducted as in any place of worship in the town. On March 21st. the people, who crowded every part of the house, were addressed by Messrs. Reginald Radcliffe and T. Shuldham Henry, who delighted and interested their audience by animated addresses, during which many thrilling anecdotes were related. It has been pleasing to observe that clergymen and ministers of various denominations have earnestly united in inviting sinners to partake of that salvation so freely offered by Jesus, ministers and laymen have each been rewarded by fruit, both in the prayer-meetings and preaching services. About 200 have received good during the month, and it has been resolved to continue these meetings for another month. It is indeed most interesting to see about 1500 assembled in this strange house of prayer, and in the most devout manner have those who were invited remained behind to have spiritual conversation and prayer with Christian brothers and sisters, when the names and residences of anxious inquirers have been taken down by the friends.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume IV, page 110.

The Revival built up and by the summer of 1864 someone wrote, 'This does seem the day of Derby's visitation.' 200 inquirers were helped on the 10th July.

From 'The Christian Newspaper,' 21st July 1864.

Additional Information

These meetings probably took place in the Theatre Royal which closed in 1864 and was bought by this group in 1865.

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