Killean (1859)

KILLEAN AND KILKENZIE.-These parishes are now sharing in the good work of revival that is spreading throughout this district.

Meetings for prayer and religious addresses are held every Monday and Thursday night in the Parish Church at Ballachantuie; in the Schoolroom at Barr on Tuesday and Friday evenings; and in the Schoolroom at Rhunahorine, Wednesday and Saturday. Meetings for prayer, reading, and exposition of the Scriptures are also held every evening in the Free Church, and in the Schoolroom at Rhunahorine; also at Killocraw. These meetings are largely attended by an anxious and earnest auditory, and the deepest solemnity pervades the whole parish. A number of cases of physical prostration has occurred in many households, extending from Ballevain to Balachroy glen.

"The Wynd Journal," page 27, 1859

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