Larkhall (1859)

Young men and women are calling upon their ministers, elders, or men of standing in the church, inquiring the way of salvation. Anonymous letters are addressed by individuals to their minister, earnestly entreating him to pray for them at home, and at the morning meetings. Men stand up at these meetings and tell what the Lord has done for their souls. The pressure of attendance at the united prayer meeting on Sabbath evening, which was held in the Established Church, was so great, that many could not be admitted, and had to leave - 1,200, at least, must have been in church.

From 'The Revival Newspaper,' Volume i, p125.


A few days ago I had the privilege of visiting a friend who resides in the village of Larkhall, about three and a half miles east of Hamilton, and is employed there in a bleachfield belonging to the firm of Messrs. Robson and Millar. The morning after my arrival my friend invited me to go into the prayer meeting, held in the field every morning, at 10 am. The work bell rang, as is usual, for workers to resume their labours, but in this case all went to a room, well-seated, with Bibles lying around for the accommodation of those to attend. When all had assembled, Mr Robson, the senior partner, rose and gave out part of the 67th Paraphrase, which was sung with great harmony and earnestness; after which Mr Robson read the first four verses of Rev. iv., with excellent remarks, and then concluded with prayer. I shall never forget such a sweet sight as those men and women assembled there, about fifty in number, in their working dress, and that worthy man bending over them, father-like, imploring protection of soul and body from Him who rules in earth and heaven. We hope that the prayers of God's people may ascend to the throne of grace for a blessing on these meetings.

"The Wynd Journal," August 23rd, 1862.

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