Northwich (1860)

A most gracious Revival of religion is now going on here. From two to three hundred souls have been converted to God during the past two weeks, and the work still continues. May it go on till all are saved. Amen.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume II, page 109.

For some time past, we have had Union prayer-meetings; but it seems as if the appointed time for the manifestation of God's power has not yet come. Although there have been occasional remarkable cases of conversion in the places of worship, there has been nothing like a general awakening among the people. But what is most remarkable is, that at a little village about three miles from us, where the people so far from trying to bring about a Revival had been for a long time notoriously cold and inactive, the Holy Ghost has been poured out in a truly marvellous manner. The first case of deep conviction took place in a private house, the subject being a young lady. From this beginning it seemed to spread as by contagion, so that within a very few weeks both the aged who have seen threescore years and youths of not more than twelve, have been led to seek and find salvation. Many are now in deep distress suffering the pangs of the new birth. Special week­night services are being held to promote this good work. With these encouraging facts before us, we thank God and take courage, doubting not but the tide of iniquity in our town will soon be stemmed in answer to our fervent supplications.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume II, page 190.

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