Baildon (1864)

Although salvations are not actually mentioned, I am sure, with the quality of the revivalists present, that many would have given their lives to Jesus.

BAILDON FEAST.-Beloved Brother in Jesus, I do not like to write much about self, but, as you so kindly said in last week's Revival, we may write about his work who worketh and none can hinder, and the Lord's dear people should glorify their God for his grace in saving precious blood-bought souls; and though we may at times put "I" in too much, yet the Lord who looks upon the hearts knoweth whether we write for His glory or no, and to Him we stand or fall. I should often have written about
the work of my dear Lord, only I thought you might think it was writing for self-glory and not for His glory. But as I have been having such sweet blessings from my Father's hand, I wish my brethren and sisters to rejoice with me, and to praise the Lord for his wonderful works to the children of men. Baildon Feast is something like a Lancashire wake, of which we hear from our dear brother Usher, where he goes to give testimony for Jesus, and at this feast thousands of people go for pleasure, and to drink and fight, etc. A dear brother, of the name of Knipe, gave an invitation to three or four of us to go down to preach the gospel, and on the 17th of July, the first day of the feast, about fifty of the Bradford friends went down with us, and were very hospitably entertained by our brother Knipe, who is a converted navvy and a wonderful specimen of the grace of God to save the vilest of the vile. About two o clock we mounted our four-wheeled waggon, kindly lent to us by a carrier, and began to sing. A large crowd soon collected and a prayer being offered, Joshua Poole, a most wonderful man, raised up by the power of the Lord and who has been blessed to hundreds of souls down here, preached the gospel to the people. His dear wife followed and spoke to the people very feelingly, and I believe the word was blessed. A dear Christian brother from London, who had been labouring with us at Halifax and whom the Lord had blessed very much. Mr W. Shield next addressed the people, and the attention was very great. W. Walker concluded with preaching from the words, "Ye must be born again,"band we trust the word preached was mixed with faith in them that heard. We then closed with prayer and announced that we
should be there again in the evening at six o'clock. About half-past five we commenced to sing through the fair, and a very large concourse of people were soon gathered together. Brother Walker again addressed them; after him followed William Fairfoot, who spoke very lovingly to the people, and told them the danger of delaying and leaving salvation to the last. The attention was very great while he spoke, and we have non doubt the word was blessed. Joshua Poole and myself also spoke, and Mrs Poole concluded with preaching from the death and resurrection of Lazarus. I have not the least doubt that God blessed the humble efforts made by his weak ones to endeavour to lift up Jesus only. I am sure you will be glad to thank, in the name of the Lord, through your paper, the officials con- nected with the town of Baildon. Not only did the police stand by us and keep the roughs from insulting us, but gave us every encouragement, and refused to take anything from us for the ground. Everybody else had to pay, but they said they felt honoured in allowing anything for Jesus and would rather give us something than take anything from us. We thank them very kindly. We also desire to give our thanks for some thousands of tracts, hymn papers etc from our dear brother Mr Fennell of London. They were very useful and no doubt he will have
the pleasure of seeing souls with Jesus to whom the Lord has used the simple gospel messengers. I cannot write all at present, but will (D. V.) next week send you an account of our further proceedings at Baildon. May God bless this note to the  souls of his dear people.-Ever yours in Jesus,

"The Revival," August 4th, 1864.

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