Felling United Methodists Church (1861)

The Revival is to many here a "welcome guest" and while we rejoice to hear through its columns of the extension of the Redeemer's kingdom, we feel thankful to God for what He has done for the United Metho­dists' Free Church in this village. In October last, at which time we had between fifty and sixty church members, we com­menced a Loan Tract Society, and have now upwards of 500 tracts in regular circulation; they have been productive of much good in causing some to attend the house of God, where they have found Jesus, who has pardoned their sins and given them a peace that passeth understanding. In December we held meetings for conversation and prayer, to promote a revival of religion. We observed the week of prayer, commencing January 7, and those meetings were also made a great blessing to us; we then agreed to have a week of special revival services, and engaged Mr William Taylor, of Blaydon, near Newcastle, to conduct them; he came, and the Lord blessed his labours during three weeks most abundantly. At the close of the second week a love-feast was held in the chapel, when, among those who spoke, was a female, who said that she and three of her daughters had, during these services, found the Saviour, to the joy of their souls, and that the last week was the happiest they had ever spent. Her husband, who was sitting near to her, was completely broken down; on the Monday evening he came to the meeting in great distress but went away rejoicing in Christ Jesus. Another female said she thanked God for having found her Saviour at those services, and she was now earnestly praying for the conversion of her husband; he attended during the next week, and the Spirit of God revealed to him Christ, the crucified, as his only hope; they are now re­joicing together in Jesus. Many others spoke of what God had done for them.

During those meetings upwards of seventy professed to find peace in believing in Jesus, chiefly adults. The services were without excitement or confusion. About forty-five became pro­bationers for membership with us, the remainder joining other churches, and we feel thankful that they have been kept by God's grace up to this time. We have just had a meeting, at which forty-two have been received into the church, after being nearly five months on trial. Deducting removals, deaths, &c., we now number ninety-three members, and nine on trial. To God be all the glory. GEO. ARMSTRONG.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume V, page 14.

Additional Information

The Church was demolished.

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