Walterstead (1860)

My Dear Brother—I sent you, two or three weeks back, extracts from the letters of two Christian brothers working for God in the neighbourhood of Berwick-upon-Tweed. I now give you extracts from a later letter from one of these brothers, and I hope to follow this up presently with extracts from other letters received from them. Yours in the Lord Jesus, —.

London, 16th July 1860.

"There were near 200 people here on Sunday night; they came from one to nine miles around the country. Mr. —, in Norham, has given us the largest room in his house for a prayer-meeting on Friday nights, after the open-air preaching. On Friday night there were ten converted, seven females and three males. One was Mr. --'s daughter. It was a most glorious Meeting; the Lord was very present with us indeed. One of the young men out of the three is Mr.'s son, of —, in Scotland. His was a most blessed conversion; he was, and is yet, full of burning love to Christ. We saw him at Norham last night; we had a class for the converted; he was there, and told us that on Saturday — was in a very desponding state of soul; he pointed her to Jesus and prayed with her, and she found peace. And on Sunday night he talked with two others, who became very anxious about their souls; he also pointed them to the Saviour and prayed with them, and they were both converted. We expect he will speak at Norham on Friday night. He says he would like to give himself entirely up to work for God. He is a young man el education. He desires the prayers of the children of God that he may be kept from falling back and that the Lord would help him to speak to the people of Norham on Friday night. He says when he first went into the prayer-meeting his heart was far from God. Three of the young women that were con­verted, when the prayer-meeting first began, were laughing and making mock at those that were in earnest and crying fen mercy. "On Sunday night, at Grievestead, there were not less than 100 stopped to the prayer-meeting. Many, no doubt, stopped for curiosity and to mock, but, blessed be God, we do believe that many of these will be brought to see their lost condition before God, and will be led to cry to Jesus for pardon and salvation. However, the devil was cheated of five beautiful souls, who were converted, two males and three females. The two young men are from the same place that --'s son comes from in Scotland. They were at the class last night. One of them is serving his time as a school-master. He is also determined to work for God. We expect him to speak here at Grievestead on Sunday night. The other young man is a carpenter, full of love to Jesus. We expect he will speak at some of the meetings. Mr--, the Presbyterian minister in Norham, is in our favour, and rejoicing in the work of the Lord. There are now without exaggeration, over forty converted and rejoicing in Jesus as their Saviour, and I might say hundreds under conviction. "We are very much obliged to you for the books, tracts, &c, that you sent with --. He will have told you all about how the tea-meeting went off at Ford Moss, &c. We have every reason to believe that very great blessings will follow it—in fact great blessings have followed. One young man was deeply convicted, and came here on the Sunday night after, and was converted. On Monday night we had a very large meeting again at Bousden. There is no place we have been able to get for a prayer-meeting, but we are asking the Lord for a place, and we shall soon have one. "Thursday morning. Last night I went over to Walter Stead, in Scotland, having been asked to go several times. When I got there, I was surprised when the people told me that the meeting was to be in the house of Mr.--, father of the young man that was converted at Norham. The son had told his father that there was to be a meeting in the village in one of their servants' houses, and he said, ‘You can have it in our own house.' There were three rooms full of people. This meeting will be carried on every Wednesday night now. Young Mr. — is to carry it on. "My friend went to East Ord, a place about two miles from Berwick. That young man that was converted at Tweedmouth, by reading the Pilgrim's Progress, has been holding meetings here for some time, and the people were just in a proper state of soul to receive the truth. And oh! How glorious! Ten souls found peace, and my friend tells me some of them were most blessed conversions. Oh! How much we have to praise and thank God for! I am very glad to inform you --- is going on gloriously. "Saturday morning. We were at Norham again last night. There were more people there at the preaching than there have ever been. A great many came from the Scotch side. After the meeting at Walter Stead, on Wednesday night, one young man went home and found Jesus. The next day, Thursday, six more found Him, and are going on their way rejoicing. The young man that found Jesus on Wednesday night, spoke at Norham last night and told the people what the Lord had done for his soul. There were other two spoke. Mr.--'s son spoke for some time most beautifully, and full of power in the Holy Ghost. The people marvel, and are saying what Nicodemus said to the Saviour—'How can these things be?' Oh, how the devil is raging! It is fearful the lies that are going about. And our Saviour says, 'Marvel not, if the world hates you;' and Blessed are ye that are persecuted for righteousness' sake.' The prayer-meeting was rather late in commencing, as so many spoke at the meeting. There were not more than one or two converted. Other two young men are coming here to Grievestead to speak tomorrow night. With all our dear love to you, and all that love the Lord Jesus Christ, ever yours in Jesus.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume III page 29/30

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