Corsham (1859)

Things here had long been at a very low ebb, so that we were ready to question whether the Lord was with us at all. But from reading an account of the work in America, we were stirred up to pray. The Lord gave us a small token of his love in adding three to our little number during the summer. This strengthened our hearts to wrestle on; and on Oct. 20, at the close of our week-evening meeting, for preaching, we found there were four persons under deep conviction of sin. We stayed and prayed with them till late, and then departed, our spirits being greatly refreshed. We appointed a meeting for conversation, on the following Monday; and to our surprise, nine then came in deep distress. These have all been brought to peace. One thoughtless young man attended this meeting; he has also since found peace. Seven others have followed. And yet the Lord's hand is not stayed; souls are still being brought under conviction. Our place is a small country hamlet, and our meeting composed entirely of poor country people. We have no pastor.

From 'The Revival Newspaper,' Volume ii, p13.

Additional Information

I do not know where the meetings were.

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