Methodist Free Church, Leeds - Richard Weaver (1863)

Through the courtesy of a much esteemed and valued friend of Mr Weaver, Leeds has been privileged with the services of this deservedly popular and truly devoted man of God. They are invited by the friends connected with Ebenezer Chapel, where continuous services have been held for the last 18 months, during which about as many hundreds have professed to receive spiritual food, it was not expected the Chapel would accommodate half the people that were disassembled to hear him. He, however, preached there on Sabbath morning the 27th September. The Chapel was densely crowded and numbers were not able to gain admittance. It was indeed a season of grace, the whole congregation being frequently melted to tears under the word.

The friends of the Methodist free church have kindly offered us the use of their large Chapel, in Lady Lane capable of holding, when filled about 3000, Mr Weaver preached there on the Sabbath and the five following evenings, the Chapel on each occasion being crowded in every part, whilst hundreds thronged the Chapel yard and Street, unable to get within sound of the preachers voice. Persons of all classes from the world and from the various sections of the church, flocked to the services, numbers having travelled many miles to hear him.

Much prayer had preceded Mr Weaver's visit; In short, his visit is regarded altogether as an answer to prayer, by those who sought for his labours here and a blessed unction from the Holy One rested upon his servant and also pervaded every service. The word was truly in demonstration of the Spirit and of power and as a consequence the secrets of many hearts were revealed and 130, of ages varying from 12 to near 80, recorded their names, as professing to have found redemption in the blood of Christ - the forgiveness of their sins. Oh what scenes of penitence and rejoicing were witnessed night after night as fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, the guilty and perishing bowed together and sought and found mercy, through faith in a “dying, risen Jesus.”

Richard Weaver, as a member of the Society of Friends observed, is the preacher for the masses and as such he is manifestly regarded by the masses in Leeds, all sorts of sinners scrambling to hear a man whose one object in preaching is evidently to set forth the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of sinful man.

Mr Weaver having to preach at the Effingham Theatre in London last Sabbath, concluded his labours at Lady Lane Chapel on Friday evening, the prayer meeting after the sermon continuing until 11:00 o'clock.

"The Revival", October 15th, 1863


Additional Information

The building was derelict in 2022 - I am not sure if this is the original building.

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