Marnoch (1860)

A YOUNG man in Scotland writes to a former companion now in London:

"I have seen more of God's work since you left than all my life before. The Lord descended in great power in Cargill, Perthshire, and the surrounding district; and I believe, within three or four weeks, hundreds have been led to seek the Lord. Men and women, rich and poor, high and low, old and young, have been led to the Saviour. Did time permit I could tell you many cheering things; but we will tell many such sweet stories in heaven, when we see the subjects of them there themselves. There was one family—consisting of father and mother, a son and daughter, two servant girls, a foreman and wife, and another lad—all brought to rejoice in Jesus. Another three men (the foreman one of them), and two maids in another farm are now serving the Lord Jesus. Three ladies have been savingly converted from the higher sphere of life. The Lord be praised. I have left these scenes for a time; I shall be two months in New Marnoch, where the fields are white for harvest. We had a Bible class last Sabbath of about 130. The congre­gation numbers 900. Many are seeking the Lord. My blessed Saviour has humbled me very much since I came here. Oh George, cry much for humility. Keep near to Jesus. Never, never forget the closet. It is prayer—prevailing, believing, wrestling prayer, which is the secret of all success. I do re­member you at a throne of grace, and will. Do remember me, and write to me soon— how you yourself are situated, what you do, and what the Lord is doing for you personally. You have had, do have, and ever will have a warm place in my heart. Yours in a precious Jesus.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume II, p197.

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