Leek (1862)

PERMANENT RESULTS OF RICHARD WEAVER’S LABOURS.—It gives me pleasure to see from time to time the progress of the work of God in various places through the labours of that blessed man of God, Richard Weaver, and others. But for your publication, we should know but little of their movements. Respecting Richard Weaver's visits here, while we would give all the glory to God for the good cause, it is our duty to acknowledge and honour the instrument, although he may be a collier. Then to Richard Weaver, the converted collier's visits to this town, is to be ascribed the blessed state of things here, spiritually and financially, so much spoken of in several papers within the last few weeks. His first visit to us was in April 1861, for eight days, when 600 to 700 professed to get good, and the good work has been progressing ever since. The Rev. Robert Buck, town missionary, who came to us last conference, has entered heartily into the work. He with several leaders and a noble hand of the young converts are winning souls to Christ every week, at their cottage preachings and prayer-meetings. In some of the villages and hamlets the societies have increased four to sixfold. In two places societies have been formed, where there was none previous to Richard's visit, and a chapel is going to be erected at each place. We have a nett increase this year of 332 members with 128 on trial, such an increase and such a work as the oldest Methodist here never saw before. The Primitives have had a noble increase, also the New Connexion, during this glorious visitation. George Bull.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume VI, page 146.

Additional Information

Bethesda Methodist Church stood here.

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