Rickford Baptist (1860)

RICKFORD, Somerset. - On Sabbath morning, June 17, after a discourse by Mr P. Gast, of Appledore, Mr Thoma, Bowbeer, one of the brethren connected with the Bristol Itinerant Society, baptized six followers of Jesus in a beautiful stream of water, which runs through a lovely valley under the Mendip Hills. Although it was a very stormy morning a large number of persons were present. In the afternoon three of those baptized were received into church fellowship at Rickford; the other three we purpose to receive into the church at Redghill on the first Sabbath in July. It was truly a gracious season. The presence of the Master was manifestly with us. We rejoice to add there are others waiting both at Redghill, Rickford, Newchurch, and Chew Magna to follow their Lord in this ordinance. We have had quite a revival at Redghill. Some of the young men who were accustomed to annoy and disturb the congregation, one especially, was the daughter of one of our deacons, who was a great swearer, now meet with us regularly for prayer and praise. To God be all the glory!

From, "The Baptist Reporter," August 1860, page 252.

Additional Information

I cannot find a Baptist church here, only one built in 1888.

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