THE work of Revival is now going on in a very remarkable manner in Springburn. For six months prayer-meetings have been held every night. At almost every meeting there are many who are in an anxious state of mind; and there is good reason to think, that not a few have been converted. The fruits of this awakening are shown in the improved morals of the people, and in the increased attendance on public ordinances. The excitement seems to be on the increase, the prayer-meetings being crowded, and frequently kept up till midnight. On Monday evening, a number of girls, between twelve and sixteen years of age, who had been in an anxious state for some weeks, were rejoicing in their Saviour. At Couston Toll, a short distance from Springburn, a prayer-meeting is held every night in one of the miners' houses. The person in whose house the meeting is held, was, up to lately, notorious for his wickedness, but, through the instrumentality of these meetings, he is now giving proof that he has undergone a great change. One of the converts in the district was heard to say that he had served the devil for more than fifty years, but that now he had left his service.—Scottish Guardian.
From 'The Revival Newspaper,' Volume ii, p38.
In Springburn, where the Lord has been pouring out his blessed Spirit, I shall never forget that Sabbath night, the first of the year. The Holy Spirit descended amongst us and filled all our hearts with rejoicing. I remember the exquisite joy I experienced when brought from darkness into the Lord's most glorious light, but the joy of that blessed Sabbath night far surpassed anything I had ever before experienced. A great many that night were deeply impressed, and some remained, anxious to be led to Jesus; and I trust not a few went to their own homes to lay their heavy-laden souls at the cross of Christ. Every meeting held there since has been characterised by great earnestness and anxiety on the part of the hearers, and by the earnest pleading of God's children, who were unanimous in their expectation of a still greater blessing. We met on last Monday evening, and so filled were we all with the love of God, that it seemed too much for earth. While in oneness of mind and pleading with Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended, and many were in tears on account of their sins. We invited all to remain who could possibly wait, feeling that the Lord was willing to bless us all. But such a manifestation of the Holy Spirit we never before witnessed; and after pleading with God pardon all who were earnestly asking forgiveness, everyone rose, filled with the love of God, and every mouth was filled with thanksgiving. One young man, about twenty-five years of age, was on his knees in a corner of the room, imploring God to forgive him for the sake of Jesus. Some of us went and pleaded that the Lord would open his eves, when the scales immediately fell off, and joy and peace filled his soul. This young man had been two years under conviction. These are a few of the facts. Pray for us. From 'The Revival Newspaper,' Volume ii, p44.
I do not know where the meetings were held.