Bourton-on-the-Water Baptist Chapel (1849)

With pleasure, I Inform you of the recent progress of religion in this place. Prior to the settlement of our present pastor, Mr J. Statham, amongst us, we were in a very low state. But for the last six months, things have worn a better aspect, and our chapel, which Is large and commodious, is sometimes filled to overflowing with attentive hearers. Several have been added to the church. On Wednesday, Ang. 29th, after a discourse by Mr S, eight persons were baptized, having professed repentance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Oct. 31, eight others followed their Lord through the baptismal flood. 

From, "The Baptist Reporter," December 1849, page 461.

There was a significant revival in Wales at this time and I believe the Lord was working strongly around the country, although I have found few testimonies. The report above leads me to believe that they were catching hold of some of it.

Additional Information

The current chapel replaced one that stood in the cemetery. 

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