Beulah Baptist Church - Newbridge (1849)

A SIGNALLY great and powerful work of grace has lately commenced, and still continues increasingly to proceed, In the principality, almost every church having, in some measure, participated in its divine and blessed influence.

The cheering result is a general awakening, as well as a vast amount of additions within the last six or seven months. I am happy that notwithstanding the unprecedented stir, the said revivals have not been accompanied with any extravagant enthusiasm, or wild unseemly excitement, as too often is the case when an extraordinary increase takes place. It evidently appears that Divine agency has been, and still continues to be, at work, to a surprisingly great and glorious degree, amongst us. The Lord is doing great things for us, whereof we are glad.

Thousands of immortal souls are snatched from the grasp of the evil one, and brought to the knowledge of the truth; many of whom were notorious in sin, and ringleaders in the service of satan, but now are docile and submissive subjects of Immanuel, having willingly bowed to his sceptre, together with hundreds that have been wandering; some of them for years, from the fold of their Saviour, who are returning with weeping, begging to be restored again to the enjoyment of the gracious privileges of God's house.

From, "The Baptist Reporter," February 1850, page 72.

BEULAH, Monmouthshire. -On the 30th of September, twenty-five candidates were immersed by Mr Price, late of Carmarthen. On the 28th of October, at the same place, and by the same minister, thirty-three more, On the 7th of October, Mr Price received a unanimous invitation from the church, to become its pastor, which he has accepted, and entered upon his new sphere of labour amid these very cheering prospects.

From, "The Baptist Reporter," December 1849, pages 461.

This revival coincided with a bad outbreak of cholera (May-Oct)

Additional Information

It does not seem to be a church anymore, it was rebuilt in 1884.

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