I have found a great many churches moving in revival, but only Congregationalist and Baptist churches, These are mainly in South Wales, but there were also some churches in revival in England as well. Reading through the many short reports of baptisms in The Baptist Reporter there are many who declared that God was moving in their churches and that their churches were full - unfortunately most did not include more than a few lines so I could not include them on my website. Normally, I only include detailed accounts of revival/awakening, but here I have included some based on the large numbers reported of those baptised.
Sometimes there may only be three or four being immersed in the waters but maybe 1,000 or 2,000 onlookers. The large numbers would have been there partly for the novel sight of people being baptised in a river, but also because God was on the move.
The revival began in a couple of churches in late 1848, but most caught it in mid-1849. This is interesting because the second (after 1832) big outbreak of cholera hit the United Kingdom May to November 1849. Many thousands died, particularly in South Wales; the most around Merthyr Tydfil. The inevitable question arises as to whether the salvations came as a result of the fear of dying from cholera or was it just a coincidence that they were around the same time? A couple of churches claimed that there was no connection between the two events, others attributed their full churches to fear of dying. I am not sure of the answer to this.
I must say that when we experienced Covid in 2021, I expected an awakening to start due to the fear of death. Was the revival forestalled by the Government banning our meeting in churches? Did it not happen because people had trust (if mistaken) in a vaccine? Whereas in 1849 there would have been no cure, so no trust in man - all that was left was to trust God! These are important questions and perhaps time will answer them. I have very little on this revival and hope in the future to discover more reports; particularly from the Calvinistic Methodist denomination in Wales.