WIMESWOULD, Leicestershire.-The General Baptist church in this place, has recently experienced a gracious revival of the work of God. In November last, Mr Bott, the minister, delivered an address on revivals, which produced a most beneficial effect on the members of the church; who became more watchful, prayerful, and very anxious for the salvation of others. Crowded meetings for prayer were held every night in the week. Brother Stapleton, of Sheepshead, spent a week with us, visiting and praying from house to house. We never saw it in this wise before. The results were numerous inquirers and candidates.
On March 24th, Fifteen were baptized by Brother Osborn, when Mr Bott preached to a large congregation. We distributed tracts to the spectators. On Tuesday, another was baptized. About fifteen more hopeful persons are candidates. On the 24th, the Wesleyan minister preached against our views of baptism and thus excited many to further inquiries after this way. Our village was never known to be in such a state of religious excitement And in addition to all this, something is doing at the "church" the vicar is repairing and ornamenting it in regular Puseyite style!
From, "The Baptist Reporter," May 1845, page 177..
The church was extended after this revival, but it is now a private dwelling.