Public Hall, Barnsley (1878)

We recently gave the testimony of a local paper with regard to special services here by Messrs. Owers and Hefford.
The Rev. J. Hallowee, Secretary of the Mission, sends a brief but interesting summary of the visible results. Encouraging
these are, he says, they are no adequate criterion of precious invisible results. The mission was planned by Nonconformist ministers; ten of these, out of eleven in the town, joined in it and worked hard to make it a success. They were assisted by a committee of gentlemen, who undertook different departments of labour. No less than 100 visitors were engaged in distributing tracts and inviting the people to the meetings. These efforts were supplemented on the last nights by singing through the streets to the Public Hall, the services being announced at different points. A daily united prayer-meeting
was held for a week before the meetings began.

The daily services at the Hall were attended, on the average, by 1,600 people. Well-attended services were also held at fourteen different mills and workshops, as well as at the Temperance Hall, for an hour every morning. Many interesting
cases were met with in the inquiry room; the names and addresses were taken of those who professed to receive spiritual,
blessing so that the cases may be followed up. It is confidently expected that many other instances will come to light in due time. Mr Hallowes says, in closing, that the services rendered by the Society cannot be repaid adequately by any earthly remuneration, but they will forward before long to the funds of the Society a tribute of their gratitude.

"The Christian," May 2nd, 1878.

Additional Information

This does not go into detail about conversions, but I am sure there were many. What happened here clearly came from what they learned in the 1873-5 revival - united meetings and united noon prayer meetings.

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