Bedford Congregational Chapel, Camden (1878)

Amongst the many efforts put forth to reach the teeming masses of the metropolis, that carried out by the Committee of the Central Noon Prayer Meeting deserves notice, not only on account of the efficient help rendered to all evangelical sections of the Church of Christ, but also on account of the efforts extending to the north, south, east, and west of this million- peopled city. The Committee forms a link in the chain not specially found in other agencies, viz., that of co-operating with ministers of all sections of the Church in their endeavours to reach the un-evangelised in their respective districts. There is this great advantage in working with existing institutions, that when sinners are converted to God they are not afterwards left to  themselves, as is often the case in ordinary evangelistic services, but are shepherded by the different pastors and brought into fellowship with the Christian Church.

The Committee have already this winter conducted special services -- generally of a week's duration at each place - in nineteen different localities in the metropolis, with most encouraging results, as the following letters taken from among many addressed to Mr Henry Dening, the Secretary, will amply testify:-

We held a week, of special services, commencing Jan. 27 in our church at Goldington-crescent, in which Mr. R. Paton, Mr. H. Dening, and others, took part. Since then we have been harvesting the corn and gathering in the fruits. The result is that, the mercy of God we recelved into church fellowship on Sunday evening last forty-five souls. Each of these have been examined by myself or one of the elders as to their faith in God and trust in the Lord Jesus and their determination to walk worthy of Him by whom they have been redeemed.
67, Pratt-street, Camden Town, 1.


Dear Sir,- We were very much encouraged by the services conducted by yourself and Mr Finch. Eight special services in all were held, five of them being preceded by out-door efforts of the congregation which had the effect of bringing in many who are strangers to God's house. The love of Christ seemed to be shed abroad in the hearts of many of our church members as I have never before seen it, constraining them to exertions they had dreamed of. Some forty persons were convinced of sin and of these I had the pleasure of proposing twenty-two for church fellowship. The rest are under prayerful oversight, and I trust that they will before long declare themselves to be saved by faith.

In several instances, church members who had given way to a worldly or sceptical spirit have been led to a fresh acceptance of Christ. Altogether, the services have had just the effect I desired - viz of bringing to decision those in my own congregation who have long been under impression. Many are yet to be gathered, but our hope is in God, that they shall yet praise Him who is the health of their countenance and their God
Bedford Chapel, Charrington-street, N. W.


Rev. H. Simon, writing of special services at Westminster Chapel, conducted by Messrs. Dening and Hurditch, says: -The services were very well attended, and especially by the class we were most desirous of reaching. Many have professed their belief in the Saviour as the result of them and an impetus has been given to the evangelistic force of the church. Since the evangelists have left us the pastor has continued the special character of the services on Sunday evenings, with the most blessed results. I may say that the services of the brethren were regarded by all as eminently fitted, under God, to accomplish the purpose we had in view.


We are still witnessing very blessed results from your services amongst us. I know between forty and fifty who have decided for Christ and are now seeking fellowship with the church. But the blessing extends far beyond this. A large number of the members of our church have been revived and stirred up, and are now seeking to do "something for Jesus." In the case of many others, impressions might be deepened by another visit and they might be led in real earnestness of soul to seek the Saviour.

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