George street Hall, Greenwich (1878)

GREENWICH.-We rejoice to learn that the Lord's work here, conducted for about two years past with such unremitting devotion by the three brothers Jordan, is developing into fruitfulness. In a brief statement just issued by these friends, they say: God has given abundant testimony that the work is His and we greatly rejoice in the fact that this ministry has been again sealed in the gathering-in during the past year of many precious souls by the Good Shepherd. The meetings have been continued as at first arranged and occupy every evening of the week, with the exception of Thursday when a Gospel service is held in another part of the town. A Bible class for sisters in the Lord has been carried on for some time past and is held every Thursday afternoon at three o'clock. A sewing class has been held during the winter months and many cases of sickness have been visited. The Sunday school, which twelve months ago had an average attendance of fifty children,
has now about 170, and very precious is the testimony of many of the dear teachers that their children are being won for the Lord Jesus. The Saturday afternoon open-air services on Blackheath were not continued this summer, as it was judged that the Wednesday evening services for children and young people now meet this requirement. The Bible classes for young men and women are now held in these two rooms every Sunday afternoon. These classes are largely attended and continue to prove a great blessing. 

"The Christian," October 24th, 1878.

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