Three UFC ministers and a Baptist Pastor went to Wales to experience the revival. On returning they held meetings in Leith. A UFC minister records: 'We have had a yearly gathering (united) for prayer for four years past, but we never saw anything like what followed my announcement. We usually had the long and awkward pauses, which are common when a meeting is thrown open. All was different. With an amazing spontaneity prayer followed prayer from all parts of the church. Hymns were interspersed in the Welsh manner. It was a soul-stirring time. At 12 o’clock the people showed no sign of going away and I announced that a similar meeting would be held next evening. Again the church was crowded, and we had the same scene over again. The fervour, enthusiasm and spiritual power have carried us right on through three weeks. All else has had to be put aside. On Friday last we reached our high water mark; the experience was inspiring and solemnising.
There is a delightful spirit of harmony among the brethren in the ministry. Every Friday afternoon we have a meeting for conference and prayer and we never had such attendances for any purpose before. There have been many conversions. Every night we have decisions for Christ. The life of our churches has been quickened. It is easy preaching now. There is a new joy in it. The people are eager to hear. All the ministers speak in the same way of the blessing that has come. Our meeting in the church is followed by a march along the street to the foot of Leith Walk, where a service is held. There have been conversions here too. Some of the younger and stronger ministers are taking part. On Friday four were present, and the last of them to speak was giving a gospel message to a large crowd at 11.15!
Ebenezer Church was packed each night for twelve weeks.
For more information see, ‘Glory in the Glen,’ by Tom Lennie published by Christian Focus Publications, p127-8.
The meetings were held in what was the Junction Road Hall, but it was demolished in 1976. I do not know where the hall was, but it would not have been far from the marker.