In the spring of 1870, three godly men - all of them now with the Lord - Alexander Stewart, Old Rayne; Robert Philip, Oyne; and Andrew Clark, Buchanston - met together for prayer, to ask God for a reviving among His own people and an awakening among the perishing. Vital godliness and spiritual life were at a very low ebb in these times, alike among ministers and people. The Churches were dead, and most of the ministers unconverted or in a worldly and spiritually useless condition. In answer to prayer, the Lord sent his servant Donald Ross to begin meetings, which were held nightly in Andrew Clark's barn at Buchanston. Part of each day was spent by Mr Ross alone with God among the broom and whins, praying for a manifestation of His power in the awakening and salvation of sinners. No doubt it was prayer that brought down the blessing. God sent an awakening through the district. Souls were saved, and the Lord's people revived and, blessed. Other labourers followed, and the work spread to Oyne, Insch, and Old Rayne. The whole district was stirred and shaken by power from on high, and there was great opposition raised against the work, especially by the ministers and religious people. Some who had taken an active part in a former work of grace, opposed through prejudice, and were left high and dry. The Lord used this to shake His people out from the denominations.
In the first instance, they met for prayer and reading of the Word. Light a.rose, and they found it written that it was their privilege to gather simply as disciples of Christ, in His Name alone, to break bread on the first day of the week, which they did first on Lord's Day, April 23rd,1871, in a joiner's shop at Old Rayne belonging to Alexander Stewart, one of the first three who met to pray. There the Lord manifested Himself and gathered His own. Some wonderful times were experienced there, which those who shared can never forget. There was little knowledge of the Word, but much love and grace among the saints, and the power of the Spirit was mightily felt, and the meetings were seasons of rich spiritual blessing. Our dear departed brother, Donald Ross, was largely instrumental in the great and blessed work which the Lord wrought in these parts, and we all loved and esteemed him very much.
From, "Donald Ross, Pioneer Evangelist", pages 192-3.