Tuckingmill was touched by revival in 1799, 1814 and probably 1823 and 1838. The circuit minister reported that on February 26th he spoke at Tuckingmill and at six he found the chapel full; many had been there all day and everywhere people were crying for mercy or praising God. It was so noisy he could not preach and so he ministered amongst the people. The next day he found that some had been praying all night and for the next five days the chapel was occupied day and night. He went around the circuit over the next few days and was unable to preach in most places because of the work Holy Spirit was doing. He summarises ‘That this is a genuine and most glorious work of God, becomes every day more and more evident. The excitement of growing zeal for God’s Glory, - fervent brotherly love, - a concern to maintain intercourse with heaven, - with various other pious dispositions, which our most confirmed Christian friends have witnessed during this revival, prove that the influence upon their minds is truly divine.’
This is probably the building where the 1814 revival took place and in 1843 they built the larger chapel next door.