Portgordon (1871)

A mighty work broke out then (In Portessie) and many were the slain of the Lord. I mention it specially from its connection with the work of grace which commenced in Portgordon at that time also. (1871)

"James Turner or how to reach the masses." by E McHardie, page 169

A young girl belonging to this place, but in service in Portessie, was laid down in a state of complete prostration. She underwent a mighty struggle while in that state. When recovered, she said that she had received a message to Portgordon which she had to deliver there at once. Accordingly, led by her sister and another girl, for she was perfectly blind from the time of her prostration until after the message was delivered, she came to Portgordon, and well do I remember the day - a blessed day to me that they came across.

There was a meeting in the school at the time, and the place well filled. There was a revival going on in Portessie, and the people were expecting it over to Portgordon. The Free Church minister was preaching, and the service was about half-way through when the girl came in and sat down quietly. Patiently she waited until the service was over, then rose and asked modestly if she would be allowed to address the meeting, as she had a message from God to Portgordon.

"No, No!" said the minister hurriedly, then ran out as fast as possible. Only a very few of the people followed him. 

The girl then asked if she might speak to them, and of course they allowed her, knowing well that she was no impostor, but a common fisher girl, whose parents, belonging to the same class, decent people, lived in their midst.

Her message was that of the woman of Samaria. She began speaking about the woman seeing Jesus at the well, and spoke to the point. Then she invited them all to come and "see Jesus," whom, said she, "I saw in Portessie, and who sent me here direct to tell you in Portgordon to come to Him. I was a great sinner, and went to scoff at the work. When spoken to about my soul, I resisted the mighty power of God, and was laid down. Then Jesus came and spoke to me, and gave me to drink of the living water, and bade me come to Portgordon with this message to the people there, that they were to come to Him."

And praise the Lord, through that message, and that weak instrument, He shook Portgordon that night. The meeting-place was crowded with people anxiously enquiring how they could come to Jesus, and many found the way to Him. Many backsliders also were restored, and the believers also were stirred up to more active service in the mighty harvest field.

...In about a week the whole place was in a flame, and even drunkards had not only become new men in Christ Jesus, but were out preaching the good news to others. The state of the town reminded me of the retaking of Mansoul, for the ungodly were forced to hide themselves, and I among the rest, for if you went out, some young soldier of the cross was sure to attack you about your soul.

"James Turner or how to reach the masses." by E McHardie, page 243-4.


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