A quarterly meeting was held in the recently restored chapel at Enniskillen, during which there was such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit as those present had seldom if ever witnessed before. The preachers, Messrs. Olliffe, Edward Johnston, and Edgerton, felt that little remained for them to do, but to stand still and see the salvation of God, while the whole congregation bowed before the Lord, either in self-abasement of spirit, crying aloud for mercy, or in adoring wonder at the goodness of God. Twenty-seven persons professed to having obtained peace and joy in believing. Thus a blessed revival commenced, which soon spread through the adjoining country, including Brookeborough and Irvinestown, and led to the conversions of a large number, many of whom were added to the Primitive as well as the Wesleyan Societies.
1823. The reports from various circuits of the Primitive Wesleyan Society, during the second six months of this year, were of a most cheering character. From Enniskillen Mr Buttle writes that at the September quarterly meetings the Holy Spirit was present, both to wound and to heal. Thus a gracious religious awakening commenced, during which many were turned to the Lord. These included some of the most abandoned sinners.
1832. At Enniskillen “there was a great movement among the people,” about eighty souls having obtained peace with God during one week. Ouseley remained here eight days, and almost every night sinners were awakened and led to religious decision. On the market-day he preached in the street to an immense crowd, and the word was accompanied with great power, and on the day of the love-feast the chapel could not contain the congregation, so the windows were raised, and many stood and listened outside. At Irvinestown, Ballinamallard, Maguiresbridge, Brookeborough, and Clones not only were the audiences very large, but there were blessed tokens of extensive revivals.
The gracious and extensive revival which had commenced in the north early in the year, through the Divine blessing on the labour of the Primitive Wesleyans, continued its progress. On September 25th Mr William Browne writes, from Enniskillen "The Lord is still carrying on His gracious work of convincing and converting sinners. Not a week, I believe I might venture to say not a day, but we have fresh instances of this. Our houses are crowded to excess every night, and numbers stand outside to hear the word of life. We have many openings which we cannot fill, but are endeavouring to supply them by mid-day services. On the 17th instant we held our quarterly meeting at Enniskillen, and as cholera had visited the town, feared that our country friends would not attend, and the meeting would be a small one; but to our astonishment, the house could not contain the congregation at the public services, and at the love-feast it was completely filled. Similar meetings were held in the course of the week at Derrygonnelly, Springfield, and Skea, and at each of these it was delightful to see the rapid progress the young converts had made in the Divine life. Some of the oldest Methodists say they were never present at such meetings before. I think that not less than one hundred members have joined our Society on this circuit since the Conference."
1859 On the Enniskillen circuit the Wesleyans, the Primitive Wesleyans, and the Presbyterians united together in holding open-air services, which were attended by vast numbers, and much good was done. The work soon extended to the surrounding country. Lisnaskea, Inishmore, and Knockmanoul all shared in the blessings of this gracious visitation. More than two hundred and fifty members were added to the Primitive Wesleyan Society alone.
These excerpts were taken from 'History of Methodism in Ireland' by Crookshank, Volumes II and III.
The church before 1865 was behind the existing church in what is now the church hall.