Findochty (1893)

“At the date of our visit about twelve years had elapsed since any special blessing had been realised in the place. Many young men and women were growing up in a careless manner…

Having met numbers of the fishermen at other ports, I knew that many of them were fitted to take part in prayer… another grand old Christian veteran, George Smith, better known as “Dod Latin” [George Smith Latin – my great grandfather – Graeme Young] … when he had laid bare the general condition, he cried in agony of soul – “We are helpless, Lord – we are helpless! Interfere, Lord – interfere.”  The memory of those prayers still live with me. I felt sure the blessing would come…

“By Monday night the public hall could not hold half the people. We began about 6.30, and continued the first service till 8.30; then asked all to go, and let others in. All the doors and windows were opened for a short time to air the hall, and our second meeting then commenced, and would last till about 10.30; again we would ask all to go, and make room for others, and our third meeting would last till 2.30. In this way we continued for five weeks, and during that time about 250 people professed to have passed from death unto life. 

…All fishing was abandoned - the one absorbing subject was salvation. A beautiful custom in that place is that when a person is converted they at once go to the homes of their relatives and tell them of the change. Their friends rejoice with the converts, and engage in praise and prayer. A favourite custom, when a number of them are thus gathered, is to join hands and sing a hymn with a rhythmic air, to which they keep time with their feet. This has been called by scoffers the Gospel dance.  To see several hundreds thus engaged is a scene never to be forgotten. “

“…I went to bed about, wearied but happy over the salvation of George and Annie. When I went to the service the next night at 6.30 I could hear that someone had begun to speak, and as I pushed my way in I saw, it was Annie. Truly she was God's messenger that night. She was speaking of the grace of our Lord Jesus on our behalf. How she depicted Him veiling His glory and assuming our form! She traced the outstanding features of his sojourn with marvellous ability—called attention to, His many wonderful deeds, and every now and again would say in a manner impossible to imitate, "Noo, think o' that." She went on to speak of the Saviour's agony in dark Gethsemane in a way that thrilled her hearers, invariably finishing each incident with, "Noo, think o' that." Her description of the journey to Calvary was masterly, and as she dwelt upon the sufferings of Christ upon the cross, "Noo, think o' that" was uttered with a pathos that melted many hearts. The Holy Spirit of God so fell upon the place and people that she was not able to finish. Unsaved were smitten to the quick, and dropped upon the floor calling for mercy; and as others made the great decision and got peace with God, they shouted and danced for joy. Old. Christians were delighted, and rejoiced with the converts and "We'll praise Him! We'll praise Him, hallelujah!" seemed the only way to give vent to their feelings, and was sounded out with an abandon that I have never seen equalled. 

No doubt my feeble description of that night's experience may seem to some of my readers like a religious pandemonium. But had they witnessed the scene, I have no doubt they would have heartily joined in the jubilation, for no one who saw it could doubt the sincerity and spontaneousness of what took place, and in the peculiar circumstances it seemed as natural as the quiet hush of the prayer meeting. The Findochty revival stands out in my memory as one of the grandest works of God's grace I ever witnessed. Its full fruit will only be known when the day of glory dawns.” 

"James McKendrick – Pioneer series" – Gospel Tract Publications, pages 108-9, 113 and 121-2.

There were also revivals in Findochty in 1860, 1863, 1866, 1870, 1880, 1893 and 1921.


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